John Calvin Crum Lusher and Minnie Irene Baringer
Husband John Calvin Crum Lusher 1
Born: 31 Mar 1860 - Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 1 Christened: Died: 1 Feb 1943 - Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA Buried: - Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 2
Father: Jacob W. Lusher (1832-1909) 3 Mother: Margaret Elizabeth Troutner (1835-1903) 1
Marriage: 18 Aug 1887 - Akron, Summit Co, OH 4
• Family Photo: John C. C. Lusher with his brothers and sister. Left to Right:
Standing: James Lincoln Lusher, Mary Ida Lusher, John C. C. Lusher
Seated: Willis Glenn Lusher, Wilbur Troutner Lusher![]()
• Additional Image: : Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA. John C. C. Lusher & Minnie I. (Barringer) Lusher on their farm.
• Residence: : Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA. View of the Abraham Lusher residence.
• Residence: : Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA. This is a view of the farm taken in the 1990s.
• Residence: : Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA. This is a view of the spring behind the residence. John C. C. Lusher is on the right and [Unk] Troutner on the left.
• Family Photo. L to R, Standing: John C. C. Lusher, Viola Lusher, Irene Lusher, ??? - (possibly Hazel Pease), Howard T. B. Lusher
L to R, Seated: Minnie I. (Baringer) Lusher, Elizabeth (Fawcett) Pease![]()
• Burial: : Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA.
Wife Minnie Irene Baringer 4
Born: 11 Sep 1861 - Akron, Summit Co, OH 4 Christened: Died: 21 Nov 1944 - Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA Buried: - Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 2
Father: Joseph Baringer (1838-1916) Mother: Lucinda Traver (1841-1928)
• Burial: : Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA.
1 F Irene Elizabeth Lusher 4
Born: 15 Jul 1888 4 Christened: Died: 11 Jun 1979 - Mogadore, Summit Co, OH Buried: - Greenwood Cemetery, Mogadore, Summit Co, OHSpouse: Roy Clifford Reeser (1889-1984) 4 Marr: 23 Apr 1916 4
2 F Viola Rose Lusher 4
Born: 20 Jul 1890 - Akron, Summit Co, OH 4 Christened: Died: 12 May 1988 - Summit Co, OH Buried: - Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 2Spouse: Eugene Simpson Lusher (1891-1941) 5 Marr: 24 Feb 1916 4
3 M Calvin William Lusher 4 6
Born: 20 Jul 1892 - Tallmadge, Summit Co, OH 4 Christened: Died: 15 Jan 1959 - Homestead, Allegheny Co, PA Buried: - Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 2Spouse: Nella Belle Smith (1891-1962) 6 7 Marr: 29 Nov 1916 - Franklin, Venango Co, PA 7
4 M Howard Traver Baringer Lusher 4
Born: 28 May 1895 - Akron, Summit Co, OH 4 Christened: Died: 12 Jan 1961 - Bay Village, Cuyahoga Co, OH Buried: - Sunset Memorial Park, North Olmsted, Cuyahoga Co, OHSpouse: Hazel Gertrude Pease (1895-1992) 7 Marr: 9 Jan 1926 - Wilkinsburg, Allegheny Co, PA
5 M Kenneth Francis "Kenny" Lusher 4
Born: 17 Jun 1897 - Akron, Summit Co, OH 4 Christened: Died: 7 Mar 1953 - Houston, Harris Co, TX Buried: - Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 2Spouse: Mildred Modena "Millie" McDaniel (1900-1983) 7 Marr: 20 Feb 1924 - Franklin, Venango Co, PA. (Divorced on 11 Sep 1934)
General Notes: Husband - John Calvin Crum Lusher
Cemetery records list the cause of his death as "Chronic Myocarditis."
He was named after three ministers: John Lusher, John Calvin, and John Crum.
Venango Citizen-Press, Franklin, PA
Apr 15, 1942; pg 6, col 7
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Lusher and daughter, Linna, of Pittsburgh, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lusher. Sunday a number of guests were present at the Lusher home to help Mr. Lusher celebrate his 82nd birthday anniversary. A family dinner was enjoyed at noon, the honor guest being the recipient of a number of gifts. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Lusher, of Pittsburgh; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lusher, of Cleveland, O.; Mrs. Josephine Bahler and Miss Ella Berringer, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reeser, of Akron, O.; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Forbes, of Sandy Lake, and Mary Allison, of Franklin.
Venango Citizen-Press, Franklin, PA
Feb 3, 1943; pg 6, col 5
Well-Known Rockland Farmer, Former School Director and Justice of Peace Succumbs.
John Calvin Crum Lusher, 82, one of the best known and kindliest farmers in Venango County, died at 11 p. m. Monday at his home at Davis Corners, Rockland Township.
Born March 31, 1860, he was the last surviving member of the family of Jacob and Margaret Lusher. In 1887, he married Miss Minnie I. Berringer, of Akron, and they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in 1937.
Surviving besides his widow are three sons and two daughters, W. Calvin Lusher, Homestead; Howard T. B. Lusher, Bay Village, O.; Mrs. Roy C. (Irene) Reeser, Mogadore, O.; Mrs. Eugene S. (Viola Rose) Lusher, at home; Kenneth F. Lusher, Cairo, Ill. There are also seven grandchildren.
Mr. Lusher was an efficient farmer. He won a number of prizes for exhibits of grain, especially corn, at Pennsylvania State Farm shows, as well as at county shows, and one year he was accredited by the state for having the record yield of buckwheat per acre.
He was a public spirited man. For several years he served on the Rockland Township School board and was a member of the board when the centralized building was erected at Davis Corners. Rockland Township was one of the first in this section to consolidate its schools as well as being one of the early ones to adopt a vocational program.
Mr. Lusher took a keen interest in the work of the school and, last summer, when he was unable to continue farming, he turned over many acres to the Future Farmers of America of Rockland Township for various crop projects. He was progressive, ever seeking to improve his methods of farming and also devoted himself to the general farm improvement in Rockland Township. He was formerly a member of the executive committee of the Venango County Agricultural Association and was among the first members and firm supporters of the Venango County Wool Grower's Association.
Mr. Lusher further contacted the lives of his neighbors through the score of years he served as Justice of the Peace.
Mrs. Robert T. (Margaret Jean) Urey, of Franklin, is a granddaughter.
Funeral services will be held at the family home and burial will be in the Rockland Cemetery, which adjoins his farm and was once a part of the Rev. John Lusher farm. The time of the services have not been definitely decided but will likely be held Thursday afternoon.
The News-Herald, Franklin, PA
Feb 8, 1943; pg 5, col 3
John C. C. Lusher
Tribute to the memory of John C. C. Lusher was paid in services held Thursday afternoon at the family home at Davis Corners, Rockland Township.
Rev. W. R. Ingersoll, of the Rockland Methodist Church, who officiated, read "Rock of Ages," "Crossing the Bar," "Abide With Me."
Among relatives and friends in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reeser and daughter, Dorothy; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reeser, Jr.; Mrs. Josephine Baylor and Miss Ella Baringer, of Akron; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lusher, Bay Village, O.; Mr. and Mrs. Calvin W. Lusher and daughter, Linna, Homestead; Pfc. Roberts Lusher, Mabry Field, Fla.; Harry Forbes, Mrs. Jess Stright and two sons, Sandy Lake; Laura and Alta Lusher and Miss Mary Allison, Franklin.
Burial was in the Rockland Cemetery, with two grandsons, Roy Reeser, Jr., and Pvt. Roberts Lusher, F. L. Borland, Fred Gates, Howard Jolley and A. E. Williams as pallbearers.
General Notes: Wife - Minnie Irene Baringer
Cemetery records list the cause of her death as "Cerebral Hemorrhage."
Venango Citizen-Press, Franklin, PA
Nov 22, 1944, pg 7, col 4
The News-Herald, Franklin, PA
Nov 22, 1944; pg 7, col 3
Mrs. J. C. C. Lusher.
Mrs. Minnie Irene Lusher, 83, widow of John C. C. Lusher, died at 3:30 p. m. Tuesday at her home in Rockland Township where she had resided for 40 years. She suffered a stroke of apoplexy Monday night.
Mrs. Lusher was a member of the Rockland Methodist Church and had been an active member of the congregation for many years. She was also a member of the W. C. T. U. Her chief interest lay in her home and this was reflected in the devoted attention shown her by her sons and daughters.
Surviving are the following children: Mrs. Irene Reeser, of Mogadore, O.; Mrs. Viola Lusher, at home; Calvin W. Lusher, of Homestead; Howard Lusher, of Cleveland, O.; and Kenneth F. Lusher, of Akron, O. She is also survived by seven grandchildren and one great grandchild, Robert Thompson Urey, Jr., of Franklin; two sisters, Miss Ella Baringer and Mrs. Josephine Bahler, of Akron, O.; and a brother, E. M. Baringer, of Gloversville, N. Y.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Friday at the home at Davis Corners and burial will be in the Rockland Cemetery, adjoining the Lusher farm, where Mr. Lusher was buried less than two years ago. Rev. E. C. Hasenplug will officiate.
Notes: Marriage
• Marriage, Wedding photo
• Anniversary, Golden wedding anniversary photo, Aug 1937
• Anniversary, Golden wedding anniversary photo.L to R, in back, Calvin, Viola, Howard, Irene, Kenny
• Newspaper article, Golden wedding anniversaryVenango Citizen-Press, Franklin, PA
Aug 25, 1937; pg 5, col 3
Rockland Couple Married 50 Years; Celebration Held
The golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lusher, of Rockland was celebrated at their home on Sunday. A family dinner was served at noon, with 25 guests seated at a T-shaped table which was beautifully decorated with large bowls of golden glow, banked by maiden hair fern. A large wedding cake, topped by the traditional bridal couple, formed the centerpiece.
An informal reception to a great number of neighbors and friends was held during the afternoon.
The honored couple were the recipients of a wealth of lovely gifts. Next week they will leave on a "second honeymoon" trip through West Virginia, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio, visiting relatives en route.
Mr. Lusher and Miss Minnie Berringer were married 50 years ago in Akron, O., and made their home in that place for 16 years. They then came to Rockland, where they have since resided.
Mr. and Mrs. Lusher are the parents of five children, two daughters and three sons, all of whom were present for the occasion. They are: Mrs. Roy Reeser, Akron, O.; Mrs. E. S. Lusher, Swissvale; Calvin W. Homestead; Howard T. B., Cleveland, O.; and Kenneth F., at home. The seven grandchildren were also present, the girls dressed in yellow in honor of the occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. Lusher are among Rockland's most highly esteemed citizens. Mr. Lusher was a member of the board of education at the time Rockland consolidated its schools, and for many years has been a Justice of the Peace. He has also been active in all phases of progressive farming and is one of the most successful farmers in this section, his grains winning many state prizes.
In their earlier years, both Mr. and Mrs. Lusher took active part in all civic and church affairs. The entire community extends congratulations to the well-loved couple.
Those from a distance who attended the celebration were: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reeser, daughter, Doris, and son, Roy, Jr., Miss Ella Berringer, Mrs. Josephine Bahler, Akron, O.; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lusher and children, Cleveland, O.; Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Voorhies and W. E. Askey, of Oil City; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell and children, James Hahn, of McCalmont Farm; Mrs. P. E. Lusher, Bully Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Graham and son, Franklin; Mr. and Mrs. Householder and daughter, Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Sumner, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lusher, Elwood City; Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Lusher; son, Robert, and daughter Linna, of Homestead; Miss Margaret Jean Lusher, Rocky Grove; Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Perrine and daughter of Grove City; Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Lusher, Swissvale.
1 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 7.
2 Venango County Historical Society, Venango County Pennsylvania Cemetery Records and Early Church Histories, Vol. 5, Rockland Township (Franklin, PA: Venango County Historical Society, 1997), Pg 112.
3 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 3, 7.
4 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 8.
5 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 5.
6 Mrs. Harold V. Linn, Daniel Smith - Pioneer Settler of Rockland Township, Venango County, Pennsylvania (Venango County, PA: Privately published, 1961), Pg 130.
James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 9.
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