Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

George Myers and Elizabeth Singree

Husband George Myers

            AKA: George Meyers 1
           Born: Abt 1730 - Switzerland
           Died: 1790 - Harford Co, MD

         Father: Frederick Myers (      -      ) 1

       Marriage: 20 Aug 1754 - York Co, PA 2

Wife Elizabeth Singree 1

            AKA: Elizabeth Singery 2
           Died:  - Harford Co, MD

         Father: Christian Singree (      -      )

1 M Henry Meyers 1

            AKA: Henry Myers
           Born: 17 Aug 1761 - Harford Co, MD
           Died: 24 Jun 1849 - Venango Co, PA 2
         Spouse: Mary Sarah Stroble (1766-1835)
           Marr: 25 Mar 1783 - York Co, PA

2 F [Unk] Meyers

         Spouse: [Unk] Lee (      -      ) 1
           Marr: Baltimore, MD

General Notes: Husband - George Myers

He came to America from Switzerland in 1745 and settled on Gunpow­der river, in Maryland, about thirty miles from the city of Baltimore. [HCB, 179]

He served as second lieu­tenant of the Putnam Battery during the revolution (see Pennsylvania Archives, series ii, vol. i, page 127).

He was drowned in the Gunpowder river.

He had two children with his wife Elizabeth.

Notes: Marriage

The following is a true copy of the marriage certificate of George Meyers and Elisabeth Singree, of county York, Pennsylvania:
Whereas, Geo. Meyer, of the county of York and Province of Pennsylvania, yeoman, and Elisabeth Singree, of the place aforesaid, spinster, having made due publication of their intention of marriage, as the law of the said Province directs, these are to certify that upon the twentieth day of August, in the 28th year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the II., by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, Anno Domino 1754, before Harman Updergraph, Esq., one of his Majesty's Justices for said county, and sundry other witnesses hereunto, the said George Meyer and Elisabeth Singree did in a solemn manner by joining of hands did take each other for husband and wife, to live together according to God's holy ordinance until death do them separate: In testimony whereof the partys
have hereunto set their hand the day above written. The subscribers being present at the solemnization of said marriage doe witness the same.
Witness: Christina Singree, Sr., Christina Singree, Jr.



1 John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1913), Pg 1001.

2 Editor, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk, & Co., Publishers, 1890), Pg 179.

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