Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Rev. S. F. Crowther and Crissy Ann Mehaffey

Husband Rev. S. F. Crowther 1

           Born: 20 Aug 1834 - Bellefonte, Centre Co, PA 1

         Father: James Crowther (1808-      ) 1 2
         Mother: Ellenor Baum (      -      ) 1


Wife Crissy Ann Mehaffey 1


         Father: John B. Mehaffey (1807-Bef 1898) 1
         Mother: Ellen Byers (      -      ) 1


General Notes: Husband - Rev. S. F. Crowther

He was converted, and united with the Evangelical Church, when nineteen years old. Educated at Grand River Institute, Ohio, he taught school nearly three years, received a license to preach April 3, 1857, completed the course of study for young ministers, and was ordained Elder, March 24, 1862. He served on the Board of Examiners in the Evangelical Church four years, graduated at Iron City College, June, 1865, with a view to teaching in the south. Not liking the south, he united with the Pittsburgh annual conference of the Methodist Protestant Church, in September, 1865, took charge of the Second M. P. Church of Allegheny City and served it three years, during which time he built a new church worth $20,000. He then served the First M. P. Church of New Brighton, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, two years, during which time he organized the M. P. Church of Beaver Falls, and had a good church erected and ready for a pastor. He then served the Brownsville, Pennsylvania, M. P. Church two years, and accepted a call to the Cherry Tree, Indiana County, pastorate in September, 1872, where he remained seven years. In September, 1879, he was elected president of the Pittsburgh annual conference and pastor of the First M. P. Church, Allegheny City, to which place he removed in October, 1879.
In 1875 Mr. Crowther conceived the idea of a Conference College with a faculty of instruction, and a four years curriculum, for licentiates, who should pursue their studies under the direction of the faculty and submit to rigid examinations at each annual conference until they would complete the course satisfactorily, when they should receive diplomas. The Conference adopted the plan, elected a faculty of six, making Mr. Crowther president. The plan was to be recommended to general conference in May, 1880, with a view to making it general, and having a college in each conference in the church. The course of study, in college parlance, is called elective, and is sufficiently thorough to entitle to the degree of Bachelor of Divinity.
Mr. Crowther's work as pastor and church builder during the last seven years may be gleaned from the history of the M. P. churches above given. Two new church buildings and more than 200 souls converted are among the memorials of the work of those years of grace.



1 Editor, History of Indiana County, Pennsylvania (Newark, OH: J. A. Caldwell, 1880), Pg 419.

2 J. H. Newton, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Columbus, OH: J. A. Caldwell Publishers, 1879), Pg 613.

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