Sherman R. Smith and Ada Viola "Addie" Bower
Husband Sherman R. Smith 1 2
Born: 27 Jul 1865 - Wesley, Irwin Twp, Venango Co, PA 2 3 Christened: Died: 19 Oct 1935 Buried: - Amity-Mt. Irwin Cemetery, Irwin Twp, Venango Co, PA 4
Father: Samuel Smith (1820-1880) 5 6 7 Mother: Eliza McMillen (1829-1904) 5 8
Marriage: 1905 or 1906 - ? Venango Co, PA 9
Other Spouse: Zonie Elemine Sterrett (1867-1904) 1 10 - 1885 3
Wife Ada Viola "Addie" Bower 9 11
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Peter Bower ( -Aft 1879) 9 11 Mother: Elizabeth Lesh ( - ) 9
General Notes: Husband - Sherman R. Smith
SHERMAN R. SMITH, of Franklin, has attained to a distinctive position in the western Pennsylvania oil fields as one of the largest independent operators there, which means that he has been a figure of no small influence in the industrial advancement of that section. As president of two oil companies conducting extensive operations in the Clintonville district, and with interests in several others, he has a commanding place among local producers which he is well qualified to hold, both by nature and experience. Mr. Smith has a strong character, as capable of assuming the responsibilities of his various enterprises as he is of anticipating and enjoying their rewards. His undertakings have had a stimulative effect throughout the district, not only in their relation to the encouragement of production, but also to be reckoned with as a factor in standardizing methods of development and operation which cannot fail to be beneficial.
He passed his early life in rural surroundings, growing up on the farm in Irwin Township, and he received his education in the public schools. As soon as circumstances permitted he became engaged in the production of oil, following that business at Bredinsburg, this county, for about fourteen years. He still owns one hundred acres of land in Cranberry Township, in that vicinity, where he has sixty producing wells. Farther south in the county, in the neighborhood of Clintonville, Clinton Township, there are extensive operations conducted by the Smith Oil Company, of which he is president, his associates in that connection being T. M. Wallace, and Mrs. M. V. Smith and D. W. Walters, both of Wesley, this county. Ninety-three wells are now pumping there, all of which were drilled under Mr. Smith's supervision, the exploitation of this field reflecting very creditably upon his judgment. He is also one of the owners and president of the Second Sand Oil Company, which is operating fifty-seven wells in the Clintonville district, and manager of the Irwin Oil Company, which has sixty wells there. The latter is owned by Sherman R. Smith, J. M. Wallace, Harry M. Wilson and Frank M. Bowser. In company with Harry M. Wilson, Mr. Smith has started production on the Susan Locke farm in Clinton Township, where they already have two wells going. For eight years Mr. Smith had interests in the Oklahoma oil fields, as an operator, but he disposed of his holdings there in 1917, finding plenty of opportunity close at home. His leases in the Clintonville district cover some twelve hundred acres. Few men in this part of the country have had larger success, and his operations have not only brought him large rewards, but have energized the oil industry wherever they have been conducted, his accuracy in estimating the value of oil lands setting a definite value on any territory which he considers worthy of exploitation. Mr. Smith is strictly a business man, concentrating his attention upon his chosen field, and giving little time to outside affairs. The family are Presbyterians in religious connection. Mr. Smith holds membership in the Franklin Club. [CAB, 880]
1 Editor, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk, & Co., Publishers, 1890), Pg 964, 966.
2 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 880.
3 Editor, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk, & Co., Publishers, 1890), Pg 966.
4 Venango County Historical Society, Venango County Pennsylvania Cemetery Records and Early Church Histories, Vol. 1, Irwin, Mineral, & Victory Townships (Franklin, PA: Venango County Historical Society, 1992), Pg 35.
5 J. H. Newton, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Columbus, OH: J. A. Caldwell Publishers, 1879), Pg 601.
6 Editor, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk, & Co., Publishers, 1890), Pg 965, 966.
7 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 725.
8 Editor, History of Mercer County, Pennsylvania. Its Past and Present (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk & Co., Publishers, 1888), Pg 1066.
9 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 881.
10 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 596, 881.
Editor, History of Mercer County, Pennsylvania. Its Past and Present (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk & Co., Publishers, 1888), Pg 1047.
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