Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Josiah LeVier and Barbara Elizabeth B. Binkerd

Husband Josiah LeVier 1 2 3

           Born: 29 Mar 1819 1 2
           Died: 30 Jul 1897 1 2
         Buried:  - Parker Cemetery

         Father: Daniel LeVier (      -      ) 4
         Mother: Rosanna Say (1778-      )

       Marriage: 30 Apr 1858 1

Wife Barbara Elizabeth B. Binkerd 1 2 3

           Born: 11 Aug 1836 - Perry Twp, Armstrong Co, PA 2
           Died: 25 Sep 1888 1 2
         Buried:  - Parker Cemetery

         Father: John Binkerd (      -1859) 5
         Mother: Elizabeth [Unk] (      -1851) 5

1 U [Infant] LeVier

           Born: 29 Jul 1859 2
           Died: 29 Jul 1859 2

2 F Elizabeth C. LeVier 1 2 6

           Born: 26 Mar 1861 - Armstrong Co, PA 2
         Spouse: Isaac N. Johns (1865-      ) 1 6
           Marr: 15 Nov 1891 6

3 M Daniel R. LeVier 1 2

           Born: 25 Apr 1863 2
           Died: 12 Nov 1930 3
         Spouse: Mary F. Widger (1859-1945) 1 2 3

4 M William S. LeVier 1 2

           Born: 9 Dec 1864 - Perry Twp, Armstrong Co, PA 2 7
           Died: 13 Jun 1947 3
         Spouse: Linnie M. Hilliard (1875-      ) 7
           Marr: 5 Sep 1895 7

5 M John B. LeVier 1 2

           Born: 12 Sep 1866 2
           Died: Bef 1914
         Spouse: Did Not Marry

6 M George G. LeVier 1 2

           Born: 24 Jun 1868 - Perry Twp, Armstrong Co, PA 2
           Died: 1934
         Buried:  - Parkers Landing, Armstrong Co, PA
         Spouse: Emma Marshall (1877-1952) 1 2
           Marr: Aug 1913 1

7 F Flora M. LeVier 2 7

           Born: 13 Oct 1871 2
         Spouse: Samuel T. Thompson (      -      ) 2 7

8 M Josiah Montgomery LeVier 2 7

           Born: 25 Jun 1876 2
           Died: 1953 2
         Spouse: Elizabeth Williams (      -      ) 2 7

General Notes: Husband - Josiah LeVier

He was born on the family farm where he grew to manhood. The ownership of the farm passed to him and his brother Daniel, Josiah having the southern half, seventy-five acres, on which the old homestead and the other buildings stood. With the help of his sons he cleared much of the place, and put up new buildings on the property. He had one oil well on his farm. There he continued to reside until his death. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church at Parker. A Republican in politics, he was quite active in local affairs, and served a number of terms as a township official in the capacities of road supervisor, school director and tax collector.

Notes: Marriage

They were married April 20. [Keefer Family, 56]



1 Editor, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, Her People Past and Present (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1914), Pg 495.

2 Estella B. Keefer, The Keefer Family: Jacob & Catharina 1791 - 1976 (Franklin, PA: Privately Published, 1976), Pg 56.

3 Timothy LeVier, LeVier Family Genealogy (Personal Research, 2012).

4 Mrs. Harold V. Linn, Daniel Smith - Pioneer Settler of Rockland Township, Venango County, Pennsylvania (Venango County, PA: Privately published, 1961), Pg 127.

5 Estella B. Keefer, The Keefer Family: Jacob & Catharina 1791 - 1976 (Franklin, PA: Privately Published, 1976), Pg 55.

6 James A. McKee, 20th Century History of Butler and Butler County, Pa., and Representative Citizens (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1909), Pg 621.

7 Editor, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, Her People Past and Present (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1914), Pg 496.

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