Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

[Ancestor] Thomas

Husband [Ancestor] Thomas




1 M David Thomas 1

           Born:  - Wales
           Died:  - Philadelphia, PA

General Notes: Husband - [Ancestor] Thomas

This family claims descent from Sir Rhys ap Thomas, who flourished in Wales during the reigns of Henry VII. and Henry VIII. of England. Sir Rhys, according to the Welsh antiquarians and historians, had an extant pedigree going back to Adam. But the historical part proba­bly begins with Brien Rhegel, a British prince living according to the best authorities in the sixth century after Christ. Possibly the links connecting him with Sir Rhys are not at all of equal certainty, but that the latter was de­scended from Brien is the uniform judgment of all writers upon Welsh history and gene­alogy. (The Thomas Book). Sir Rhys ap Thomas, born 1449, was educated at court, and held a post of honor in the duke's household. He possessed great estates and wealth in Wales, and was of so much consequence that his allegiance was of great value to the con­flicting houses of York and Lancaster fighting for the English throne. Sir Rhys, while at first loyal to King Richard, later espoused the cause of Richmond, and at the battle of Bos­worth, August 22, 1485, slew King Richard, fighting him hand to hand. Whether or not this be true, his conduct on that day was so distinguished that Richmond ascribed to it the issue of the battle, and in gratitude ever after applied to him the title of Father Rhys. He also knighted him on the field after the battle. The spoils of King Richard's tent were shared by Rhys and Sir William Stanley. Other honors were heaped upon him by the grateful monarch when established on the throne. He held the highest offices in Wales under his king, with whom he fought in several wars. He had several wives and left issue. It is from Sir Rhys that a great many Thomas families of the United States descend. [GPHAV, 423]



1 John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1913), Pg 423.

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