George C. Roessing
Husband George C. Roessing 1 2
Born: 1827 - Germany 1 Christened: Died: 1891 - ? Butler, Butler Co, PA 1 Buried:Marriage:
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 M Wesley P. Roessing 1 2
Born: 1848 - Butler, Butler Co, PA 1 2 Christened: Died: Apr 1920 2 Buried: - North Cemetery, Butler, Butler Co, PASpouse: Truesdale Bryer (1851-1914) 2 3 Marr: 1877 2 3
General Notes: Husband - George C. Roessing
He established a cabinet-maker's shop in 1847 on the Patton Kearns property on West Jefferson Street, Butler, Pennsylvania, in the rear of what later became the Zimmerman store. It was the business of the furniture makers of those days to make coffins for the burial of the dead, and the business of undertaker was usually associated with that of cabinet-making. In 1860 Mr. Roessing purchased the wagon and carriage works of Thompson Brothers on West Cunningham Street, which he conducted in connection with the undertaking business until 1888. The introduction of factory-made work made the wagon and carriage business unprofitable to the small operators, and Mr. Roessing closed this branch of his business and removed the undertaking department to the Odd Fellows building on West Jefferson Street. At this time Mr. Roessing had associated with him his son, W. P. Roessing, under the firm name of George Roessing & Son.
He was born in Germany, and came to America and settled at Butler, Pennsylvania, in 1847. Prior to 1861 he engaged in a furniture business and in undertaking, but in that year he closed out his former line but continued the latter and also became interested at that time in carriage-making. The latter industry he continued until 1886, when he discontinued it and gave his whole attention to the undertaking business from which he also retired in 1889. He was active in politics and was frequently elected to local offices. For twenty years he served as a justice of the peace and his decisions were seldom reversed.
1 James A. McKee, 20th Century History of Butler and Butler County, Pa., and Representative Citizens (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1909), Pg 828.
2 C. Hale Sipe, History of Butler County, Pennsylvania (Topeka - Indianapolis: Historical Publishing Co., 1927), Pg 818.
James A. McKee, 20th Century History of Butler and Butler County, Pa., and Representative Citizens (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1909), Pg 831.
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