Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Judge David Watson Patterson and Mary R. Slaymaker

Husband Judge David Watson Patterson 1 2

           Born:  - Rapho Twp, Lancaster Co, PA

         Father: Col. James Patterson (1775-1863) 2 3
         Mother: Mary "Mollie" Watson (      -1866) 4 5 6

       Marriage: Dec 1846 2

Wife Mary R. Slaymaker 2


         Father: Henry Y. Slaymaker (      -      ) 2

1 M James Rodney Patterson 2

           Born: Abt 1848
           Died: 18 Jun 1874 2

2 M Henry Slaymaker Patterson 2


3 F Anne Cochran Patterson 2 7

         Spouse: Hon. John Bayard McPherson (1846-      ) 2
           Marr: 30 Dec 1879 7

4 M David W. Patterson 2


General Notes: Husband - Judge David Watson Patterson

He obtained his early education at Lititz, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and his preparatory classical course at Moscow Academy, Chester County, and the old Milton Academy, Northumberland County, and entered Washington College (later Washington and Jefferson) in the fall of 1837, from which he was graduated with the usual honors in the fall of 1839. Immediately after leaving college he began reading law, and in the spring of 1840 became a student in the law-office of one of Lancaster's most distinguished lawyers, John R. Montgomery, with whom he remained until his admission to practice in 1842. For about one year following he was the law partner of his preceptor, since which time he practiced without an associate in business. Judge Patterson in his early practice took high rank in his profession, and became so favorably known in the county that he was chosen as the Whig candidate for the State Legislature in the fall of 1847, was elected, and served one term.
Resuming his practice and refusing re-election, he was elected district attorney in the fall of 1853, and served for three years, an able and fearless prosecutor in the courts of Lancaster County.
He was active and among the leaders in organizing the Republican party in 1855-1856, and in 1872 was elected upon the Republican ticket from the Ninth Senatorial District a member of the Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention, which met November 12th of that year at Harrisburg, adjourned to Philadelphia after a few weeks, and closed its session in the fall of 1873. Under the new Constitution, he was elected in the fall of 1874 associate law judge of Lancaster County for a term of ten years, and was the incumbent of that office in 1883. In this responsible position Judge Patterson retained the high respect and confidence of the profession and citizens of the county for his sound sense, ready discrimination between right and wrong, unflinching integrity on the bench, in his honest judgment of justice to all, and for courtesy yet firmness in his opinions.



1 Alex. Harris, A Biographical History of Lancaster County (Lancaster, PA: Elias Barr & Co., 1872), Pg 438.

2 Franklin Ellis & Samuel Evans, History of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Everts & Peck, 1883), Pg 236.

3 Alex. Harris, A Biographical History of Lancaster County (Lancaster, PA: Elias Barr & Co., 1872), Pg 437.

4 Alex. Harris, A Biographical History of Lancaster County (Lancaster, PA: Elias Barr & Co., 1872), Pg 436.

5 Franklin Ellis & Samuel Evans, History of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Everts & Peck, 1883), Pg 236, 763.

6 Mary Craig Shoemaker, Five Typical Scotch-Irish Families (Unknown Publisher: Albany, NY, 1922), Pg 34.

7 William Henry Egle, History of the County of Lebanon in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Everts & Peck, 1883), Pg 317.

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