Dr. Nathaniel Duffield Snowden and Jane McClelland
Husband Dr. Nathaniel Duffield Snowden 1
Born: 28 Nov 1803 - Harrisburg, PA 2 Christened: Died: 30 Sep 1864 3 4 Buried: - Franklin Cemetery, Franklin, Venango Co, PA 3
Father: Rev. Nathaniel Randolph Snowden, D.D. (1770- ) 2 5 Mother: Sarah Gustine (Abt 1774- ) 4 6 7
Marriage: 27 Apr 1833 4
Wife Jane McClelland 8 9 10
Born: 1804 11 Christened: Died: 6 Feb 1867 3 Buried: - Franklin Cemetery, Franklin, Venango Co, PA 3
Father: George McClelland (1780-1834) 8 9 12 13 Mother: Agnes Seaton (Abt 1780-1842) 8 9 13 14
1 M Dr. Samuel Gustine Snowden, M.D. 4 15
Born: 21 Dec 1837 - Franklin, Venango Co, PA 15 16 Christened: Died: 22 Aug 1884 - ? Asheville, NC 17 Buried: - Franklin Cemetery, Franklin, Venango Co, PA 17Spouse: Mary Judson (1840-1905) 15 18 19 Marr: 12 Sep 1867 15 18
2 M George Randolph Snowden 4
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
3 F Jane Bredin Snowden 4
Born: Christened: Died: 1873 Buried:Spouse: James Woodburn (1835-1924) 4 20 Marr: 1865 or 1868 20
General Notes: Husband - Dr. Nathaniel Duffield Snowden
He began his professional career in Venango county in 1828 at Emlenton; two years later he removed to the county seat, thenceforth his residence to the close of his life. He acquired a classical education at Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, during the incumbency of his father as president of that institution, and after a course of preliminary study with his brother, Doctor Isaac Snowden of Thompsontown, Pennsylvania, attended the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia. From the time that his practice began until failing health compelled him to relinquish its active duties he was assiduous and untiring in his devotion to its pursuit. Equally skilled as a physician and a surgeon there were few emergencies to which he was not equal. Gentle in manners and by nature tender and sympathetic, few men more readily gained the confidence of the afflicted. In those days the practitioner drove or rode long distances in the country and was frequently asked in consultation to undertake a journey of twenty or thirty miles. With conscientious devotion to his calling and unfeigned sympathy for sorrow or distress in every form he cheerfully responded to demands for his services, often answering a summons when he was more in need of rest and medical attention than his patient. A man of studious habits, he was familiar with the literature of his profession and well informed as to its progress.
Long before an apothecary was located at Franklin he was obliged at times to prepare his own drugs, and often gave both medicine and advice to the needy and destitute. Liberally educated himself he was active in promoting all local educational interests, serving frequently as trustee of the academy and school director. Repeatedly honored by his fellow citizens by election to places of trust, he was coroner of the county from 1844 to 1847, and register and recorder from 1857 to 1860. Doctor Snowden died September 30, 1864, in the sixty-first year of his age, and in full communion with the Presbyterian church. [HVC 1890, 191]
He and his wife had eight children. [HVC 1879, 484]
Date of death Sept 20, 1864. [HVC 1879, 458]
1 Editor, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk, & Co., Publishers, 1890), Pg 191, 749.
2 Editor, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk, & Co., Publishers, 1890), Pg 191.
3 J. H. Newton, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Columbus, OH: J. A. Caldwell Publishers, 1879), Pg 458.
4 Editor, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk, & Co., Publishers, 1890), Pg 192.
5 Leander James McCormick, McCormick Family Record and Biography (Chicago, IL: Publisher Unknown, 1896), Pg 239.
6 Conway P. Wing, D.D., History of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, with Illustrations (Philadelphia, PA: James D. Scott, 1879), Pg 182.
7 William Henry Egle, M.D., M.A., Pennsylvania Genealogies; Chiefly Scotch-Irish and German (Harrisburg, PA: Harrisburg Publishing Co., 1896), Pg 586.
8 J. H. Newton, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Columbus, OH: J. A. Caldwell Publishers, 1879), Pg 492.
9 Editor, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk, & Co., Publishers, 1890), Pg 749.
10 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 806.
11 Jane Snowden Crosby, The Seatons of Western Pennsylvania (New York: The Hobson Book Press, 1945), Pg 56.
12 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 805.
13 John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1913), Pg 489.
14 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 459, 805.
15 J. H. Newton, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Columbus, OH: J. A. Caldwell Publishers, 1879), Pg 485.
16 Editor, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk, & Co., Publishers, 1890), Pg 193.
17 Editor, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk, & Co., Publishers, 1890), Pg 194.
18 Editor, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk, & Co., Publishers, 1890), Pg 197.
19 John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1913), Pg 468.
John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1913), Pg 465.
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