Hon. Aaron Lyle and Eleanor Moore
Husband Hon. Aaron Lyle 1 2 3 4
AKA: Hon. Carson Lyle 5 Born: 17 Nov 1759 - Forks Twp, Northampton Co, PA 2 3 6 Christened: Died: 25 Sep 1825 - Cross Creek Twp, Washington Co, PA 3 6 7 Buried: - Cross Creek, Washington Co, PA
Father: Robert Lyle (1698-1765) 2 3 8 9 Mother: Mary Gilleland (1724-1792) 3 8 10
Marriage: Apr 1782 2 3 6
Wife Eleanor Moore 2 3 4
AKA: Elizabeth Moore,7 Ellen Moore 11 Born: Abt 1758 Christened: Died: 13 Dec 1849 6 7 Buried: - Cross Creek, Washington Co, PA
Father: John Moore, Esq. ( - ) 3 6 Mother:
1 M Moses Lyle 1 3 7 12
Born: 4 Mar or 24 Mar 1783 - Northampton Co, PA 3 7 12 Christened: Died: 10 Jun 1840 7 12 Buried: - Cross Creek, Washington Co, PASpouse: Sarah Kerr ( -1836) 3 7 12
2 M James Lyle 1 3 13 14
Born: 2 Apr 1785 - Smith Twp, Washington Co, PA 7 14 Christened: Died: 5 Mar 1860 - Smith Twp, Washington Co, PA 7 15 Buried:Spouse: Mary Campbell (1788-1867) 3 13 15 Marr: 1809 7
3 F Mary Lyle 1 3 7 18
AKA: Elizabeth "Betsey" Lyle 16 17 Born: 31 May 1787 3 7 18 Christened: Died: 25 Sep 1853 - Belmont Co, OH 3 7 18 Buried:Spouse: John Campbell (1777/1777-1844/1845) 18 19 20 Marr: 2 Apr 1805 18
4 F Agnes Lyle 3 6 7
AKA: Ellen Lyle 1 Born: 2 Aug 1789 3 6 7 Christened: Died: 20 Jul 1790 3 6 7 Buried:Spouse: Did Not Marry
5 M Robert Lyle 1 3 7 21
Born: 3 Jun 1791 7 Christened: Died: 13 Jul or 30 Jul 1820 - Cambridge, Guernsey Co, OH 7 21 Buried:Spouse: Elizabeth Cook ( -1851) 21
6 F Jane Lyle 1 3 7 22
Born: 3 Oct 1793 7 22 Christened: Died: 10 Dec 1845 - South Fayette Twp, Allegheny Co, PA 7 23 Buried:Spouse: Samuel Ewing ( -1862) 1 3 7 22
7 F Margaret Lyle 1 3 7
Born: 31 May 1796 7 Christened: Died: 2 Apr 1883 7 Buried:Spouse: Hon. William Patterson (1796-1879) 3 5 24 Marr: 29 Apr 1819 5
8 M Aaron Lyle 3 6 7
Born: 22 Jan 1805 6 7 Christened: Died: 10 Jan 1807 6 7 Buried:Spouse: Did Not Marry
General Notes: Husband - Hon. Aaron Lyle
He was a Revolutionary War soldier, and when he participated in the battle of Long Island, New York, which took place Aug. 27, 1776, he was but sixteen years of age.
In 1784 He (with his wife and child), his brother Robert (with his wife and child), and his brother John (with his wife and two children) came to Washington County, Pennsylvania. They made the journey in covered wagons, passing through Bedford and Somerset counties, and crossing the Monongahela river at Monongahela City, arrived in Washington County about the middle of June, 1784. Their land was a tract which was situated five miles south of Burgettstown, where the brothers passed the remainder of their lives.
He, together with his two brothers and their families, made their historic wagon trip across Pennsylvania. They settled on the "Hollywood" tract in Mt. Pleasant Township, Washington County, which was patented to John Lyle in 1786. In this same year, Aaron Lyle took out a warrant for a tract of land lying to the west of the John Lyle tract, and this was patented to him on March 6, 1789. This tract was later known as the William Rankin Farm. In 1790, Aaron Lyle purchased a tract of land of 350 acres on the headwaters of Cross Creek in Cross Creek Township about four miles west of the John Lyle farm.
In personal appearance he was somewhat above the medium height, well built, having a prepossessing presence, of nervous, sanguine temperament, and cheerful disposition. It is said of him that he was known to be angry but twice during forty years of his life. He was one of the most influential citizens of the county, and took an active part in all public enterprises. In 1797 he was elected to the Pennsylvania State Legislature, filling that position continuously until 1802, when he was chosen to the State Senate for a term of two years. In 1805 the district was changed, and he filled the position of representative one year, then became county commissioner. His enemies had arranged this election, hoping that he would resent the covert insult and decline acceptance. But they were disappointed. The ex-senator stepped with quiet dignity from the Legislative hall to the petty office of a county commissioner, holding the position and faithfully discharging the incumbent duties until 1809, when he resigned and again took his seat in Congress, having been elected in 1808 by a large majority of enthusiastic admirers. He was a member of Congress during the critical period of the war with Great Britain, and the difficulties on the north-western frontier, serving eight years through Madison's administration. After his retirement from political life Senator Lyle passed his remaining days at his home in Cross Creek township.
He was more or less implicated in the troubles that arose under the attempts to enforce the excise tax by the state in 1785-1786 and which afterwards culminated in the Whiskey Insurrection of 1793-1794, when the United States government undertook to enforce the collection of the tax. Aaron Lyle took strong ground in opposition to this tax. He, with a number of others, seized a tax collector and imposed upon him all the personal indignities that a company of rebellious men might think of, even forcing him to imprecate curses upon himself, upon his commission and upon the authority that sent him. The collector was then conducted to the county line and promised utter desolation if he ever returned. He returned only as a prosecutor against twelve of the offenders who were indicted and assessed heavy fines, which were later remitted to them. Aaron Lyle was one of the "twelve offenders".
General Notes: Wife - Eleanor Moore
from Northampton Co, PA
1 Boyd Crumrine, History of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: L. H. Everts & Co., 1882), Pg 730.
2 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1893), Pg 48.
3 Charles A. Hanna, Ohio Valley Genealogies (New York, 1900), Pg 77.
4 Alvin D. White, The Lyles of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Burgettstown, PA: The Enterprise Press, 1963), Pg 8, 193.
5 Boyd Crumrine, History of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: L. H. Everts & Co., 1882), Pg 727.
6 Alvin D. White, The Lyles of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Burgettstown, PA: The Enterprise Press, 1963), Pg 193.
7 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1893), Pg 49.
8 Joseph F. McFarland, 20th Century History of Washington and Washington County, Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1910), Pg 1040, 1247.
9 Alvin D. White, The Lyles of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Burgettstown, PA: The Enterprise Press, 1963), Pg 3.
10 Alvin D. White, The Lyles of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Burgettstown, PA: The Enterprise Press, 1963), Pg 5.
11 Boyd Crumrine, History of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: L. H. Everts & Co., 1882), Pg 855.
12 Alvin D. White, The Lyles of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Burgettstown, PA: The Enterprise Press, 1963), Pg 196.
13 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1893), Pg 1180.
14 Alvin D. White, The Lyles of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Burgettstown, PA: The Enterprise Press, 1963), Pg 209.
15 Alvin D. White, The Lyles of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Burgettstown, PA: The Enterprise Press, 1963), Pg 210.
16 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1893), Pg 722.
17 Charles A. Hanna, Ohio Valley Genealogies (New York, 1900), Pg 14.
18 Alvin D. White, The Lyles of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Burgettstown, PA: The Enterprise Press, 1963), Pg 231.
19 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1893), Pg 49, 404.
20 Charles A. Hanna, Ohio Valley Genealogies (New York, 1900), Pg 14, 77.
21 Alvin D. White, The Lyles of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Burgettstown, PA: The Enterprise Press, 1963), Pg 248.
22 Alvin D. White, The Lyles of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Burgettstown, PA: The Enterprise Press, 1963), Pg 253.
23 Alvin D. White, The Lyles of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Burgettstown, PA: The Enterprise Press, 1963), Pg 254.
Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1893), Pg 49, 183, 1251.
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