Jonathan Lusher and Eliza Smith
Husband Jonathan Lusher 1
Born: 17 Mar 1807 - Rehrersburg, Berks Co, PA 2 Christened: 18 May 1807 - Altalaha Evangelical Lutheran Church, Rehrersburg, Berks Co, PA Died: 1 Dec 1884 - Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 3 Buried: - Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 4
Father: George Lusher (1774-Abt 1849) 5 Mother: Catharina Muench (Abt 1768-Abt 1850) 5
Marriage: 29 Sep 1829 - Venango Co, PA 2
• Residence: Log Cabin: Rockland, Venango Co, PA. Jonathan Lusher constructed this cabin in 1848. This photograph was probably taken in the early 1940s.
• Burial: : Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA.
• Burial: : Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA. This photo shows the grave of Jonathan Lusher; the headstone on the right and his footstone on the left.
Wife Eliza Smith 1
Born: 21 Jun 1810 - Centre Co, PA 2 Christened: Died: 1 Oct 1903 - Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 3 Buried: - Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA
Father: Jacob Smith (1784-1848) 6 Mother: Martha Harrison (Cir 1793-1856/1859) 6
• Family Reunions.
For many years Eliza Lusher was the matriarch of the family, and annually, after her passing, a family reunion was held on the anniversary of her birthday. The local newspapers took notice of many of these gatherings. To read many of the articles that were published about this event, click here.
• Burial: : Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA.
There is no marker for her in the cemetery. However, older graves can often be located by observing a slight depression in the ground where, as pine boxes and remains decayed, the soil settled in. There are two such depressions right next to the marker for her husband, Jonathan. One might suppose that one of them is her grave and the other the grave of their son, Peter Simon Lusher.
1 M George Miles Lusher 2
Born: 8 Oct 1830 - Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 2 Christened: Died: 9 Jan 1905 - Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA Buried: - Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PASpouse: Charity Jacobs (1833-1919) 7 Marr: 23 Mar 1853 7
2 M Jacob W. Lusher 8
Born: 6 Jan 1832 - Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 2 Christened: Died: 17 Jul 1909 - Warren, Huntington Co, IN 3 Buried: - Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 9Spouse: Margaret Elizabeth Troutner (1835-1903) 10 Marr: 8 Oct 1855 10
3 F Sarah Jane Lusher 2
Born: 12 Feb 1834 - Venango Co, PA 2 Christened: Died: 29 Jun 1916 - Nickleville, Richland Twp, Venango Co, PA Buried: - Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 11Spouse: John Montgomery (1824-1918) 12 Marr: 4 Mar 1857 12
4 M John Lusher 2
Born: 24 Oct 1835 2 Christened: Died: in infancy 3 Buried:Spouse: Did Not Marry
5 F Martha Ann Lusher 2
Born: 7 Jun 1837 - Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 2 Christened: Died: 2 Aug 1922 - Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 3 Buried: - Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PASpouse: Did Not Marry
6 M Henry Harrison Lusher 13
Born: 29 May 1839 - Venango Co, PA 13 Christened: Died: 21 Jan 1901 - Cambria, Wayne Co, IA 3 Buried: - Cambria Cemetery, Washington Twp, Wayne Co, IASpouse: Louisa Mitchell (1842-1908) 14 Marr: 17 May 1866 - Franklin, Venango Co, PA
7 F Catherine Lusher 15
Born: 14 Apr 1841 - Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 15 Christened: Died: 21 Sep 1907 - Seneca, Cranberry Twp, Venango Co, PA 16 Buried: - Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 17Spouse: Samuel Allison (1827-1895) 18 Marr: 25 Dec 1863 18
8 F Miranda Lusher 20
AKA: Maranda Lusher 19 Born: 17 Dec 1842 - Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 20 Christened: Died: 21 Feb 1930 - Sandy Lake, Mercer Co, PA 21 Buried: - Oak Hill Cemetery, Sandy Lake, Mercer Co, PASpouse: Richard Forbes (1821-1912) 19 22 Marr: 8 Feb 1881 22
9 F Elizabeth "Lizzie" Lusher 23
Born: 16 Aug 1844 23 Christened: Died: 2 Jan 1874 16 Buried:Spouse: David Kerr Mitchell (1840-1916) 24 25 26 Marr: 26 Oct 1871 26
10 F Almyra Lusher 2
AKA: Almira Lusher Born: 16 Apr 1846 2 Christened: Died: 2 Jan 1928 21 Buried: - Fairfield Cemetery, New Vernon Twp, Mercer Co, PASpouse: James R. Mouck (1841-1901) 27 Marr: 23 May 1872 27
11 M Peter Simon Lusher
AKA: Peter E. Lusher 2 Born: 24 Mar 1848 2 Christened: Died: 17 Dec 1919 - Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 3 Buried: - Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PASpouse: Did Not Marry
12 M Jonathan Miles Lusher 2
AKA: "Blind Miles" Lusher, "Uncle Miles" Lusher Born: 21 Oct 1849 - Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 2 Christened: Died: 18 May 1941 - Franklin, Venango Co, PA Buried: - Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 9Spouse: Did Not Marry
13 M David Muench Lusher 2
Born: 1 Sep 1851 - Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 2 Christened: Died: 26 Jul 1940 - Ellwood City, Lawrence Co, PA Buried: - Locust Grove Cemetery, Ellwood City, Lawrence Co, PASpouse: Margaret Alice Forbes (1857-1929) 28 Marr: 22 Oct 1877
14 F Eliza M. Lusher 2
Born: 7 Nov 1854 2 Christened: Died: in infancy 3 Buried:Spouse: Did Not Marry
General Notes: Husband - Jonathan Lusher
The Venango Spectator, Franklin, PA
Dec 4, 1884
-Jonathan Lusher, of Rockland township, was found dead in his barn last Monday evening, where he had gone to feed his stock. Mr. Lusher was seventy-six years old and had resided in Rockland township during his whole life. The cause of his death was apoplexy.
The Oil City Derrick, Oil City, PA
Dec 5, 1884; pg 4, col 2
Jonathan Lush, of Rockland Township, one of the early settlers of Venango County, was found dead in his barn on Monday evening. He was attending to his stock, and, remaining out longer than usual, his daughter went in search of him and found him dead on the barn floor. Heart disease is assigned as the cause of his sudden demise.
General Notes: Wife - Eliza Smith
The Citizen-Press, Franklin, PA
June 30, 1887; pg 8, col 1
Birthday Party.
On the 21st of June, about seventy persons met at the residence of Eliza Lusher, of Rockland township, to celebrate her 72d birthday. The venerable lady was delighted to see her children and friends gather in from all quarters, to celebrate her advent into this world. Mrs. Lusher is held in high esteem by all who know her, because of her many virtues. After Mrs. Lusher had been greeted by her many friends, the ladies invited the guests to the grove near by, where a large table was spread with everything suitable to the taste.
After dinner it was ascertained the number present was 75, of whom 29 were grandchildren and five great-grand children. W. B. Gilger was called to preside and introduced Peter Pryor, who has been a life long friend of the family, and who is now 78 years of age. He delivered an interesting speech, which was followed by singing. W. B. Gilger was called upon and made a few remarks, speaking of the pleasure of meeting with the family and in conclusion spoke of the final reunion where there will be no parting. After a general hand shaking the friends departed.
The Evening News, Franklin, PA
June 24, 1892; pg 1, col 1
MRS. ELIZA LUSHER, of Rockland, whose family and descendants gathered at her home on Tuesday to celebrate her 82d birthday, was married 63 years ago and has 11 living children. She has 48 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. Her sister, Mrs. Jane Simpson, is in her 81st year, is active and hearty, and reads without spectacles.
The Citizen-Press, Franklin, PA
June 29, 1893; pg 4, col 3
Birthday Party.
One of the pleasant things that come to cheer us is the birthday party. On the 21st inst., according to an annual custom, about 90 or 100 people gathered at the home of Eliza Lusher, in Rockland township, to celebrate her 83d birthday. The old lady was just as happy as it was possible for her to be, and the best of all was she tried to make the rest of us happy too. One of the very best dinners possible greeted the party. Oh! how the people did eat, and especially the preacher.
Eight of the eleven children now living were present. Sixty-five grand-children and fifteen great grand children helped to make Mother Lusher's birthday a pleasant one. This annual meeting is not an invitation affair - all the friends are supposed to come bringing their baskets with them. After dinner the people listen to a number of addresses which are delivered in the orchard. W. B. Gilger gave a short history of the family. Rev. W. F. Flick spoke of the future and hope of a reunion never to break up. A. J. Troutner spoke a few words of cheer followed by Mrs. Laura Neely, whose rescitation of "Past gatherings and missing loved ones," touched tender chords and caused us to look forward to the time when we too will be missed. The party then wished Mother Lusher a happy year and hoped she would live to greet us all on her next birthday. They then separated, feeling that all had been amply paid for their attendance.
G. B. W.
The Seneca Kicker, Seneca, PA
Oct 6, 1903; pg 3, col 1
Mrs. Eliza Lusher, aged 93 years and 3 months, died at her home in Rockland, Thursday, October 1st. Mrs. Lusher, whose maiden name was Eliza Smith, was born in Center county, east of the mountains, June 21, 1810. Mr. Smith moved his family to Western Pa., while Eliza was yet young. In 1827 she was united in marriage to Mr. Jonathan Lusher, also from Center county, and now deceased.
Fourteen children came to bless this union, ten of whom are living, as follows: George and J. W., of Rockland; Mrs. Sarah Jane Montgomery, of Clarion; Mrs. Miranda Forbes and Mrs. Almira Mouck, of Mercer county; Mrs. Katherine Allison, of Seneca; Mr. David Lusher, of Evans City, and Martha, Peter and Miles at home.
Harry H. Lusher, of Iowa; Mrs. Lizzie Mitchell, of Scrubgrass, and John and Eliza M. are dead. The deceased has 42 grandchildren and 43 great-grandchildren.
In the death of Mrs. Lusher, Rockland has lost one of its oldest and most highly esteemed ladies and she will be greatly missed by all who knew her. She was a consistent member of the C. P. church of which her husband also was a member.
Venango Citizen-Press, Franklin, PA
Oct 8, 1903; pg 6, col 1
[Reported by Edward Sanford.]
Rockland, Oct. 6.
Mrs. Lusher, aged 93, died at her home near Davis's Corners, on last Thursday afternoon. She was one of Rockland's oldest and most highly respected residents. Interment took place at the Rockland cemetery on Saturday at 2 p.m.
Venango Citizen-Press, Franklin, PA
Oct 8, 1903; pg 7, col 3
[Reported by S. E. Domer.]
Floyd, Oct. 6.
Mrs. Eliza Lusher, aged 93, died on Thursday, October 1st. She was born in June, 1810.
1 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 2.
2 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 3.
3 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 32.
4 Venango County Historical Society, Venango County Pennsylvania Cemetery Records and Early Church Histories, Vol. 5, Rockland Township (Franklin, PA: Venango County Historical Society, 1997), Pg 91.
5 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 1.
6 Editor, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk, & Co., Publishers, 1890), Pg 824.
7 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 4.
8 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 3, 7.
9 Venango County Historical Society, Venango County Pennsylvania Cemetery Records and Early Church Histories, Vol. 5, Rockland Township (Franklin, PA: Venango County Historical Society, 1997), Pg 112.
10 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 7.
11 Venango County Historical Society, Venango County Pennsylvania Cemetery Records and Early Church Histories, Vol. 5, Rockland Township (Franklin, PA: Venango County Historical Society, 1997), Pg 92.
12 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 26.
13 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 3, 12.
14 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 12.
15 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 3, 20.
16 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 34.
17 Venango County Historical Society, Venango County Pennsylvania Cemetery Records and Early Church Histories, Vol. 5, Rockland Township (Franklin, PA: Venango County Historical Society, 1997), Pg 100.
18 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 20.
19 Editor, History of Mercer County, Pennsylvania. Its Past and Present (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk & Co., Publishers, 1888), Pg 1112.
20 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 3, 19.
21 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 33.
22 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 19.
23 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 3, 25.
24 J. H. Newton, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Columbus, OH: J. A. Caldwell Publishers, 1879), Pg 645.
25 John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1913), Pg 876.
26 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 25.
27 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 16.
James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 13.
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