Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Jacob Walter and Mary Lawall

Husband Jacob Walter 1 2 3

           Born: 1815 - near Strasbourg, Germany 1
           Died: 11 Sep 1865 - ? Butler, Butler Co, PA 1

         Father: Jacob Walter (      -      ) 1
         Mother: Elizabeth Keck (      -      ) 1


Wife Mary Lawall 1

           Died: Autumn, 1892 1

         Father: Jacob Lawall (      -      ) 1

1 F Barbara Walter 3

            AKA: Barbara Walters 3
           Born: 29 Dec 1839 - Butler, Butler Co, PA 3
           Died: 1915 3
         Spouse: Jacob Boos (1835-1904) 3 4
           Marr: 21 Oct 1855 5

2 F Margaret "Maggie" Walter 1 6

         Spouse: G. Wilson Miller (      -      ) 1 7

3 F Mary Walter 1

         Spouse: William Feigle (      -      ) 1

4 M George Walter 1 2 8

           Born: 11 Sep 1843 - Butler, Butler Co, PA 1 2
           Died: Feb 1903 2 8
         Spouse: Elizabeth Troutman (      -1874) 1 2 8
           Marr: 1866 1
         Spouse: Mary Troutman (      -      ) 2 9
           Marr: 1876 1

General Notes: Husband - Jacob Walter

He emigrated to the United States in 1835, and located in Butler, Pennsylvania. He was a blacksmith, and worked in Peter Baker's shop, which stood on the site where J. Q. A. Kennedy's residence was later located. Subsequently he removed to West Cunningham street, and built a shop on the site later occupied by Livington McQuistion's residence. He carried on the principal business in the blacksmith line for several years, but in 1859 he purchased the mill later owned by his son George, and in partnership with John C. Grohman embarked in the milling business, which he followed until his death. Mr. Walter always took a deep interest in educational affairs, was a member of the school board, and connected with the borough council for twenty-five or thirty years. He was a Democrat in politics, and was quite active in local political circles. He was an elder in the Lutheran church for many years, and organized the first Sunday school connected with the German Lutheran church, which then stood upon the site where the Opera House was later located.
He and his wife had ten children, four of whom grew to maturity.



1 Editor, History of Butler County, Pennsylvania (R. C. Brown & Co. Publishers, 1895), Pg 789.

2 James A. McKee, 20th Century History of Butler and Butler County, Pa., and Representative Citizens (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1909), Pg 741.

3 C. Hale Sipe, History of Butler County, Pennsylvania (Topeka - Indianapolis: Historical Publishing Co., 1927), Pg 898.

4 Editor, History of Butler County, Pennsylvania (R. C. Brown & Co. Publishers, 1895), Pg 756.

5 Editor, History of Butler County, Pennsylvania (R. C. Brown & Co. Publishers, 1895), Pg 757.

6 James A. McKee, 20th Century History of Butler and Butler County, Pa., and Representative Citizens (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1909), Pg 1072.

7 James A. McKee, 20th Century History of Butler and Butler County, Pa., and Representative Citizens (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1909), Pg 1071.

8 C. Hale Sipe, History of Butler County, Pennsylvania (Topeka - Indianapolis: Historical Publishing Co., 1927), Pg 1027.

9 Editor, History of Butler County, Pennsylvania (R. C. Brown & Co. Publishers, 1895), Pg 790.

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