John Wesley Hoke
Husband John Wesley Hoke 1
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: H. Elias Hoke (1822-1896) 2 3 Mother: Harriet Stenger (1827-1892) 2 3
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - John Wesley Hoke
He was educated in the public schools of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, and at the Chambersburg Academy, and was graduated at Lafayette College, Easton, in 1890. After leaving college, he studied law with the Hon. W. Rush Gillan, and was admitted to the Franklin County Bar, at the February term, 1893. In 1891-92, he was news editor of the Franklin Repository. In 1898, he was elected District Attorney of Franklin County, and served the full term of three years with marked ability and success. In 1900 he bought a half interest in Public Opinion from John M. Runk, and conducted it in partnership with Mr. Runk under the firm name of Runk & Hoke until January, 1902, when he bought his partner's interest. When Mr. Hoke acquired a part interest in Public Opinion, it was a weekly newspaper of wide circulation, but in March, 1901, the daily Opinion was established.
Mr. Hoke is a Republican in politics, and was nominated by his party as the candidate for representative in the State Legislature March 15, 1904. He belonged to the Reformed Church. Fraternally he was a member of the Knights of Malta, of which he was a Past Commander and passed through all the chairs; and of the Knights of Pythias and the B. P. O. E.
1 Editor, Biographical Annals of Franklin County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: The Genealogical Publishing Co., 1905), Pg 265.
2 Editor, History of Franklin County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Warner, Beers & Co., 1887), Pg 885.
Editor, Biographical Annals of Franklin County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: The Genealogical Publishing Co., 1905), Pg 264.
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