Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Hart W. F. Graham and Anna J. Sheridan

Husband Hart W. F. Graham 1 2

           Born: 20 Aug 1866 - Butler, Butler Co, PA 1

         Father: Ebenezer Graham (1824-Aft 1883) 1 3
         Mother: Wilhelmina Fetter (      -1875) 1

       Marriage: 10 Oct 1887 1 2

Wife Anna J. Sheridan 1 2


         Father: Bernard Sheridan (      -      ) 1 2
         Mother: Ellen McCue (      -      ) 2

1 M Alvin A. H. Graham 1 4

           Died: Bef 1926

2 M Le Moyne R. Graham 1 4


3 F Sarah A. Gormley Graham 4


4 F Agnes Marion Graham 4


5 M Robert Henry Graham 4

           Died: Bef 1926

General Notes: Husband - Hart W. F. Graham

After receiving a common school education, he entered the Union Woolen Mills, of Butler, where he learned the trade of manufacturing flannels, blankets and yarns, and worked at that bus-iness until October, 1883. He then entered the store of H. Schneideman, as a salesman, with whom he remained until January 1, 1893. In the following March he formed a partnership with William G. Douthett, under the firm name of Douthett & Graham, and established a general clothing and gent's furnishing store on the corner of Main and Cunningham streets, where they carried on business. He was a member of the English Lutheran church, of Butler, in which he was deacon and secretary of the church council. He was also connected with Tent, Number 34, K. O. T. M., and is R. K. of that society.

He started work at the early age of fourteen years with the Hugh Fullerton Company, at Butler, Pennsylvania, where he remained from 1880 to 1883, a period of practically four years. He then went into the clothing manufacturing business with the Hyman-Schneideman Company, where he remained until 1892, when with W. G. Douthett he founded the clothing store of Douthett & Graham. They continued this partnership until 1910, when Mr. Graham sold his interest to his partner, who continued to conduct the business under the same name. In 1912 Mr. Graham purchased the grocery business of A. & H. Reiber, which had then been in existence for thirty-eight years. He continued this business, having the leading quality store in Butler, employing six people, and delivering under the cooperative plan.
Mr. Graham was vice-president and director in the People's Telephone Company and director in and treasurer of the People's Telephone Corporation, which succeeded the former company in September, 1925. He was also a director in the Merchants' National Bank, and in the Standard Life Insurance Company of America. In politics he was a Republican. In fraternal circles he affiliated with the Knights of Pythias, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and the Maccabees. He was a member of the Butler Rotary Club, and was a director of the local Board of Commerce for thirteen years, and was its president in 1920-21. In religion he was a member of the English Lutheran Church.

General Notes: Wife - Anna J. Sheridan

from Butler Co, PA



1 Editor, History of Butler County, Pennsylvania (R. C. Brown & Co. Publishers, 1895), Pg 771.

2 George P. Donehoo, Pennsylvania - A History (SW) (New York, NY; Chicago, IL: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, Inc., 1926), Pg 234.

3 Editor, History of Butler County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Waterman, Watkins & Co., 1883), Pg 171, 180.

4 George P. Donehoo, Pennsylvania - A History (SW) (New York, NY; Chicago, IL: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, Inc., 1926), Pg 235.

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