James Lincoln Lusher and Mallie Belle French
Husband James Lincoln Lusher 1
Born: 4 Jun 1865 - Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 1 Christened: Died: 3 Jan 1941 - Franklin, Venango Co, PA Buried: - Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 2
Father: Jacob W. Lusher (1832-1909) 3 Mother: Margaret Elizabeth Troutner (1835-1903) 1
Marriage: 17 Dec 1896 - Rockland, Venango Co, PA 4 5
• Family Photo: James Lincoln "Link" Lusher with his brothers and sister. Left to Right:
Standing: James Lincoln Lusher, Mary Ida Lusher, John C. C. Lusher
Seated: Willis Glenn Lusher, Wilbur Troutner Lusher
• Burial: : Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA.
Wife Mallie Belle French 4
Born: 5 Feb 1865 4 Christened: Died: 23 Nov 1943 - Franklin, Venango Co, PA Buried: - Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 2
Father: William H. French (1836-1914) Mother: Marilda C. Porter (1837-1928)
• Additional Image: A postcard from Mallie B. Lusher, 19 Aug 1924.
• Burial: : Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA.
1 F Laura Ellen Lusher, R.N. 4
Born: 3 Jul 1901 - Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 4 Christened: Died: 10 Mar 1963 - Chicago, Cook Co, IL Buried: - Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 2Spouse: Did Not Marry
2 F Alta Marguerite Lusher, R.N. 4
Born: 24 Sep 1905 - Van Buren, Grant Co, IN 4 Christened: Died: 20 Apr 1981 - Chicago, Cook Co, IL Buried: - Rockland Cemetery, Rockland Twp, Venango Co, PA 6Spouse: Ormand J. Miller (1903-1967) Marr: 1944 - Argos, Marshall Co, INSpouse: Harry (Orville?) Crousore (1896/1904-1963) Marr: 3 Dec 1954
General Notes: Husband - James Lincoln Lusher
The News-Herald, Franklin, PA
Jan 3, 1941; pg 8, col 5
Venango Citizen-Press, Franklin, PA
Jan 8, 1941; pg 3, col 3
James L. Lusher, of near Smith's Corners, Rockland Township, died at 12:50 o'clock Friday afternoon just as he arrived at the Franklin Hospital. He was taken to the hospital when his condition became serious at his home.
His wife is a patient in the hospital and he had been making periodical trips to the institution to see her. He had been suffering a cold and it is believed that he developed pneumonia.
The body was removed to the Buchanan Funeral Home, where it will remain, pending funeral arrangements.
Venango Citizen-Press, Franklin, PA
Jan 15, 1941; pg 6, col 6
Friends and neighbors were shocked at the sudden death of James Lincoln Lusher which occurred Friday morning as he was being admitted to the Franklin Hospital.
Mr. Lusher had suffered a severe attack of flu several weeks ago but had recovered, and was apparently in good health. On Dec. 16 his wife was stricken with influenza, and was taken to the Franklin Hospital, and their two daughters, Mrs. Laura Lusher, and Mrs. Alta Krausore, both registered nurses, were called from Chicago, and they with their father visited her daily in the hospital. On Thursday morning, Jan. 2, Mr. Lusher collapsed at the breakfast table and from then on grew steadily worse. He was taken in an ambulance to the Franklin Hospital Friday morning but died as he was being admitted. His daughter, Mrs. Krausore was also stricken with an attack of flu, and she and her mother are both patients in Franklin Hospital.
Mr. Lusher was born and raised in Rockland and spent his early life here. In 1906 he went to Oblong, Ill., where he was employed in the oil fields. On Nov. 5 this year he was retired from the company, and with his wife returned to Rockland to make their home, having moved to the property formerly owned by J. A. O'Neil. Just two months from the day they arrived in Rockland, Mr. Lusher was buried.
He was 75 years and is survived by his wife, Mrs. Belle French Lusher, and two daughters, Miss Laura Lusher, and Mrs. Alta Krausore, of Chicago, Ill., and one brother, J. C. Lusher, of Rockland.
Venango Citizen-Press, Franklin, PA
Jan 8, 1941; pg 5, col 7
J. Lincoln Lusher.
Many friends attended services in the Buchanan Funeral Home Sunday afternoon to pay tribute to the memory of the late James Lincoln Lusher, of Rockland Township, whose death occurred last Friday in the Franklin Hospital.
The Rev. Frank A. Towers, of the Fox Street Church of God, officiated and burial was made in the Rockland Cemetery. There were many lovely floral tributes.
The Rev. Towers read the hymns, "Abide With Me," and "Sometime We'll Understand."
The pall-bearers were: Charles Ross, Ernest Smith, Kenneth F. Lusher, Milton, Ernest and Arthur French.
Mr. Lusher, better known to his many friends as "Link" died at 12:50 p. m. Friday, as he was being admitted to the Franklin Hospital. He had been ill since Dec. 31.
Mr. Lusher was born June 4, 1865, in Rockland Township and spent his early life in that Township. He was an oil lease pumper and during the past 45 years lived and worked in the oil fields of Indiana and Illinois. He returned from Oblong, Ill., to Rockland Township to make his home last Nov. 1. He married Miss Belle French Dec 17, 1895. Mrs. Lusher has been a patient in the hospital for several weeks and Mr. Lusher had been making regular visits to the hospital. He developed a cold, which turned into pneumonia. A daughter, Alta, was also admitted to the hospital Friday, apparently suffering from grippe.
Surviving Mr. Lusher besides his wife and daughter, Alta, is another daughter, Laura, at home, also a brother, John C. C. Lusher, of Davis' Corners, Rockland Township.
Mr. Lusher had many friends for he was a generous, kind-hearted man, tolerant of others' faults, which won the deep admiration of those whom he contacted.
General Notes: Wife - Mallie Belle French
The Oil City Derrick, Oil City, PA
Nov 24, 1943; pg 11, col 2
The News-Herald, Franklin, PA
Nov 23, 1943; pg 6, col 3
Mrs. J. L. Lusher
Mrs. Mallie Belle Lusher, 78, widow of J. L. Lusher, died at noon today at her home, 624 Fourteenth Street after a long illness.
Mrs. Lusher, a former resident of Rockland, also lived for many years at Oblong, Ill. Surviving are two daughters, Laura and Alta, at home; and three brothers, William T. French, Seneca, and John A. and Ira L. French, of Cranberry.
The body has been removed to the Buchanan Funeral Home, where services will be held at 2:30 p. m. Friday. Burial will follow in the Rockland Cemetery.
Venango Citizen-Press, Franklin, PA
Dec 1, 1942; pg 5, col 4
The News-Herald, Franklin, PA
Nov 27, 1943; pg 2, col 5
Mrs. Mallie B. Lusher
Funeral services for Mrs. Mallie Belle Lusher were conducted at 2:30 p. m. Friday in the Buchanan Funeral Home with Rev. Frank A. Towers, pastor of the Rocky Grove Church of God, officiating.
During the service Rev. Towers read, "God Knows Best," "Does Jesus Care?" and "Crossing the Bar."
Interment was in the Rockland Cemetery. Pallbearers were: Lee French, Ernest French, Lawrence Smith and Dwight Montgomery.
1 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 7.
2 Venango County Historical Society, Venango County Pennsylvania Cemetery Records and Early Church Histories, Vol. 5, Rockland Township (Franklin, PA: Venango County Historical Society, 1997), Pg 112.
3 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 3, 7.
4 James Lincoln Lusher, Lusher Family Tree (Self-published, cir. 1942), Pg 10.
5 Venango Co, PA, Marriage License, #3568.
Venango County Historical Society, Venango County Pennsylvania Cemetery Records and Early Church Histories, Vol. 5, Rockland Township (Franklin, PA: Venango County Historical Society, 1997), Pg 104.
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