Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Charles H. Eicher and Lida Hutchinson

Husband Charles H. Eicher 1 2

           Born: 9 Feb 1864 - Fayette Co, PA 1 3

         Father: Samuel R. Eicher (1831-1904) 4 5
         Mother: Martha J. Wilson (      -1905) 2 4

       Marriage: 9 Dec 1886 - Fayette Co, PA 6 7

Wife Lida Hutchinson 6 7

           Born:  - Lower Tyrone Twp, Fayette Co, PA
           Died: 18 Nov 1914 8

         Father: David Hutchinson (      -      ) 2 6
         Mother: Eliza Montgomery (      -      ) 6 9

1 F Ethel Eicher 7 10

           Born: 23 Sep 1887 8
           Died: 19 May 1892 8
         Spouse: Did Not Marry

2 F Rena Eicher 7 10

           Born: 28 Feb 1891 8

3 F Ruth Eicher 7 10

           Born: 19 Feb 1893 8

4 F Verna Zoe Eicher 7 10

           Born: 21 Apr 1895 8

5 F Grace Eicher 7 10

           Born: 24 Mar 1900 8
           Died: 28 May 1917 8

6 M Charles H. Eicher, Jr. 8

           Born: 13 Nov 1906 8

General Notes: Husband - Charles H. Eicher

He was educated in the public schools of Scottdale, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, and also spent two terms at normal school. He learned the carpenter trade with his father, with whom he worked until 1886. He then entered the employ of the National foundry and pipe works, as pattern maker first, then was advanced to the position of foreman of the foundry and pattern shops, which position he retained until April 7, 1901. He then, in company with Charles L. Graft, purchased the hardware establishment of Bryan Bros., at Scottdale. There, under the firm title of Eicher and Graft, they did a general hardware business, furnishing builders' supplies, farm implements and carrying buggies, wagons, etc. Mr. Eicher was also one of the firm of the Broadway Planing Mill Company. In 1905 he was elected borough treasurer of Scottdale on a Republican ticket, and also served on the county committee. He was a member of Marion Lodge, No. 562, F. and A. M., of which he was also secretary for ten years. He was past master and twice represented his lodge at the assemblies, in 1896 and again in 1898. He belonged to A. I. O. K. M., Orpad Commandery.

He remained in his native place during the first twenty-two years of his life. It was there that his first childish impressions were formed and there that he attended the public school for the purpose of gaining his education. Upon completing his studies, Mr. Eicher began the serious business of life as an employee of his father. His father was a successful contractor, and his son began work for him as a carpenter, thus earning his own livelihood and learning the carpenter's trade at the same time. He continued in this capacity until he had reached his twenty-second year, when, leaving both the parental roof and his native region, he came to Scottdale, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. In Scottdale he secured a position with the United States Cast Iron Pipe and Foundry Company as a patternmaker in their foundry and pipe manufactory, and after working for a time was advanced to the position of foreman. He continued to work in this capacity for a considerable period, but during the entire time, continued to lay up a considerable portion of his wages, with a view to becoming eventually independent. In the year 1901 he was able to realize this ambition, and after severing his connection with the pipe and foundry company he formed a partnership with C. L. Graft and the two young men purchased the hardware business of Bryan Brothers.
Mr. Eicher did not confine his activities to the business world, but was a prominent participant in the general life of the community, especially in that department of it connected with public affairs. He was a Republican in politics, and while in no sense an office-seeker, did allow his name to be used as a candidate by his party on several occasions. He was elected in 1905 to the office of borough treasurer.
He was affiliated with Marion Lodge, No. 562, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and was past master thereof from the year 1893 and secretary continuously from 1895 for over two decades.
In his religious belief Mr. Eicher was a Presbyterian, and was a member of the First Church of that denomination at Scottdale, Pennsylvania. He was very active in the work of the church and served as a member of its board of trustees for many years.



1 John W. Jordan, History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, Genealogical Memoirs, Vol. III (Chicago, IL: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1906), Pg 7.

2 Fenwick Y. Hedley, Old and New Westmoreland, Vols. III & IV (New York, NY: The American Historical Society, Inc., 1918), Pg 596, 1170.

3 Fenwick Y. Hedley, Old and New Westmoreland, Vols. III & IV (New York, NY: The American Historical Society, Inc., 1918), Pg 596.

4 John W. Jordan, History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, Genealogical Memoirs, Vol. III (Chicago, IL: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1906), Pg 7, 271.

5 Fenwick Y. Hedley, Old and New Westmoreland, Vols. III & IV (New York, NY: The American Historical Society, Inc., 1918), Pg 596, 1169.

6 John W. Jordan, History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, Genealogical Memoirs, Vol. III (Chicago, IL: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1906), Pg 8.

7 Fenwick Y. Hedley, Old and New Westmoreland, Vols. III & IV (New York, NY: The American Historical Society, Inc., 1918), Pg 597, 1170.

8 Fenwick Y. Hedley, Old and New Westmoreland, Vols. III & IV (New York, NY: The American Historical Society, Inc., 1918), Pg 597.

9 Fenwick Y. Hedley, Old and New Westmoreland, Vols. III & IV (New York, NY: The American Historical Society, Inc., 1918), Pg 1170.

10 John W. Jordan, History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, Genealogical Memoirs, Vol. III (Chicago, IL: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1906), Pg 9.

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