James Davidson and Sarah Davidson
Husband James Davidson 1 2
Born: 1823 - Big Beaver Twp, Beaver (later Lawrence) Co, PA 2 3 Christened: Died: 5 May 1908 - Lawrence Co, PA 3 Buried:
Father: John Davidson ( - ) 4 5 Mother: Mary Ann Thompson ( - ) 5
Marriage: 17 May 1849 6
Wife Sarah Davidson 1 2
Born: Abt 1828 - Big Beaver Twp, Lawrence Co, PA Christened: Died: Aft 1908 Buried:
Father: Andrew Davidson (1782-1866) 7 8 Mother: Jane Whan ( -1862) 7
1 M Andrew Davidson 9
Born: Abt 1850 Christened: Died: 1872 6 Buried:
2 M John Wesley Davidson 3
Born: 7 Apr 1854 - Big Beaver Twp, Lawrence Co, PA 10 Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Nancy Wilkinson ( - ) 11 Marr: 22 Jan 1880 10
3 M Robert J. Davidson 12
Born: 9 Nov 1856 - Big Beaver Twp, Lawrence Co, PA 4 Christened: Died: Buried:
4 M William Wilson Davidson 2 9
Born: 3 Jun 1859 - Big Beaver Twp, Lawrence Co, PA 2 13 Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Matilda Carson ( - ) 2 9 Marr: 9 Oct 1879 2 13
General Notes: Husband - James Davidson
He lived at home until he married, assisting in clearing the land and attending the primitive school in the neighborhood when opportunity offered. Later he learned the blacksmith trade and opened and conducted a shop on his farm. A part of his farm land was given him by his father, who then owned several hundred acres, and a part he bought from his brother Thomas. When James Davidson brought his wife there no buildings erected and their first home was a hastily built log house. The blacksmith shop was next built and Mr. Davidson operated that for thirty years, his sons mainly conducting the farm. In 1872 he built a commodious and comfortable frame residence and there he later died. He was a leading member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and for years was its treasurer. During his later years he took much interest in public matters and supported the Republican party's candidates.
[TCHNCLC, 789] states that he was the son of Andrew Davidson, while his wife was the daughter of John Davidson.
General Notes: Wife - Sarah Davidson
[TCHNCLC, 789] states that she was the daughter of John Davidson, while her husband was the son of Andrew Davidson.
1 Aaron L. Hazen, 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1908), Pg 789, 931, 990.
2 George P. Donehoo, Pennsylvania - A History (SW) (New York, NY; Chicago, IL: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, Inc., 1926), Pg 332.
3 Aaron L. Hazen, 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1908), Pg 789, 932, 990.
4 Aaron L. Hazen, 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1908), Pg 931.
5 John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of Western Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1915), Pg 1405.
6 Aaron L. Hazen, 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1908), Pg 932.
7 Editor, History of Lawrence County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: L. H. Everts & Co., 1877), Pg 199.
8 Aaron L. Hazen, 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1908), Pg 932, 934.
9 Aaron L. Hazen, 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1908), Pg 789, 932.
10 Aaron L. Hazen, 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1908), Pg 990.
11 Aaron L. Hazen, 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1908), Pg 932, 991.
12 Aaron L. Hazen, 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1908), Pg 789, 931.
Aaron L. Hazen, 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1908), Pg 789.
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