Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

David Oscar Cushwa

Husband David Oscar Cushwa 1 2

           Born: 17 Nov 1834 - Maryland 3
           Died: Aft 1905

         Father: John Cushwa (1802-1886) 1 2
         Mother: Elizabeth Brewer (1806-1883) 4 5




General Notes: Husband - David Oscar Cushwa

He was born in Maryland, and received his early education in that state, later attending Marshall Academy, at Mercersburg, Pennsylvania. After his school days were over he engaged in farming, but later moved to Mercersburg and became one of the leading hardware merchants of the place.
He served on the school board for a long time, and filled many other town offices. In politics he was always a very stanch Republican, and supported the candidates and platforms of that party on all occasions.
The religious affiliations of Mr. Cushwa were with the Reformed Church, and he was made a trustee of that body.

Mr. Cushwa never married, but lived with his sister Eliza J., who made him a pleasant and happy home, brother and sister being sincerely attached to each other.



1 Editor, History of Franklin County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Warner, Beers & Co., 1887), Pg 855.

2 Editor, Biographical Annals of Franklin County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: The Genealogical Publishing Co., 1905), Pg 594.

3 Editor, Biographical Annals of Franklin County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: The Genealogical Publishing Co., 1905), Pg 595.

4 Editor, History of Franklin County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Warner, Beers & Co., 1887), Pg 717, 855.

5 Editor, Biographical Annals of Franklin County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: The Genealogical Publishing Co., 1905), Pg 316.

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