Dr. Robert Crawford and Sarah Poak Kelly
Husband Dr. Robert Crawford 1 2 3
Born: 16 May 1815 - Omagh, County Tyrone, Ireland 3 Christened: Died: 25 Dec 1892 Buried:
Father: Robert Crawford ( -Abt 1821) 3 Mother: Elizabeth Ramsey ( - ) 3
Marriage: 1838 4 5
Wife Sarah Poak Kelly 5 6
AKA: Sarah P. Kelley 4 7 Born: Abt 1820 - Centre Co, PA Christened: Died: 21 Jul 1888 - Venango Co, PA 4 5 Buried:
Father: John Kelly ( -1838) 5 8 9 Mother:
1 F Elizabeth A. Crawford 5
AKA: Elizabeth E. Crawford 4 Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Hugh Smith ( - ) 5
2 M John Kelly Crawford, M.D. 5
AKA: Dr. Joseph K. Crawford 4 Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
3 M James R. Crawford 2 4 5
Born: 31 Mar 1844 - Cooperstown, Jackson Twp, Venango Co, PA 2 Christened: Died: Aft 1919 Buried:Spouse: Cassie E. McKim ( -1902) 7 Marr: 5 Apr 1881 7
4 M William Andrew Crawford 10
Born: 25 Apr 1849 - Cooperstown, Jackson Twp, Venango Co, PA 5 Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Jemima Linn Johnston ( - ) 10 Marr: Oct 1875 - Huntingdon, Huntingdon Co, PA 5
5 M Homer C. Crawford 4 11 12
Born: 26 Sep 1853 - Cooperstown, Jackson Twp, Venango Co, PA 11 Christened: Died: Aft 1919 Buried:Spouse: Mary E. Orlady (1853-Aft 1913) 12 13
6 F Emma Crawford 4 5
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: F. A. Curtis ( - ) 4 5
7 F Hannah Etta Crawford 4 14
Born: 1862 Christened: Died: 1898 Buried: - Grove Hill Cemetery, Oil City, Venango Co, PA 15Spouse: Dr. John A. Ritchey, M.D. (1838/1840-1906) 16 17 18 Marr: 25 Oct 1893 - ? Venango Co, PA 19
8 F Sarah Ella Crawford 4 5
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Dr. Robert Crawford
He was born May 14, 1817. [HVC 1890, 1070]
Robert Crawford, of Cooperstown, PA, was a resident of Venango County longer than any other of its physicians. Born in County Tyrone, Ireland, he came to America with his parents in 1821. He was reared in the vicinity of Pittsburgh and acquired an academic education at the schools of that city. His medical preceptor was Doctor Wilson, of Allegheny county. After pursuing a course of study at the Cleveland Medical College he graduated from that institution in 1845, and in 1860 also obtained the degree of M. D. from the University of Pennsylvania. He entered upon the practice of medicine at Cooperstown in 1837. He has been one of the censors of Cleveland Medical College many years, and was a member of the county, state, and national associations. [HVC 1890, 199]
For fifty-five years there was no better known citizen of that part of Venango County lying around Cooperstown-as well as the adjoining sections of Mercer and Crawford counties-than Dr. Robert Crawford. As a physician he maintained a position of authority through the most remarkable period of transition which the profession has experienced, a fact which implies that he was a leader in advocating and adopting many of the significant phases of the change from obsolete to modern customs in medical practice. Besides carrying the responsibilities of an unusually large patronage, in a country region where patients were scattered over a wide territory, Dr. Crawford kept himself in close touch with the important advances made in his chosen calling, continuing his studies to keep up with the demands of the new order of things, supported professional associations and their objects, bestirred himself and his fellow citizens in matters relating to the public welfare, and was diligent in looking after his private affairs. He had a dominating nature which made him a born leader, but his influence was always exerted with an unselfish regard for the general good which gained him friendly esteem throughout life. His four sons have shown many of their father's characteristics, especially vigor of intellect and progressive tendencies, and through their activities the name has been prominent up to the present time in professional, commercial, financial and agricultural interests in this section. The records of Venango County bear strong witness to the useful part they have played in its history. [CAB, 569]
He acquired his early education in Pittsburgh and began to read medicine there with Dr. John Wilson. In those days dissecting was not looked upon with favor, and the young man, in his zeal after knowledge which he considered necessary, having stolen a body for that purpose was obliged to leave the city. He went on foot to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he continued his medical studies, attending lectures in the Ohio Medical College and in the office of Dr. Gross, one of the greatest men of his time in the profession, but then in hiding for the same action, which was a legal offense in Pennsylvania. Dr. Gross became noted as a surgeon and author of medical works, including the famous "System of Surgery," and was one of the leading lights of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, and his influence was without doubt a valuable part of the young man's training. They were kindred spirits, and the friendship formed then lasted through life. Dr. Crawford came to Cooperstown in May, 1837, his brother William having previously settled there, and in a notice in the Venango Spectator announced that he would be at his office except when absent on professional calls. The industrious habits of his early years persisted to the close of his life. Forty years later it was said that he had ridden more miles and visited more patients than any other physician in western Pennsylvania. He was known to prescribe for as many as forty patients on one trip. Nevertheless he managed his duties so well that he was rarely away from home at night. Having kept up his studies, he was graduated from the Ohio Medical College, at Cincinnati, in 1845, and a number of years later he received the degree of M. D. from the University of Pennsylvania, 1857. Dr. Crawford was not only popular and respected among his patrons, but no less so among his fellow practitioners, with whom he had the reputation of being the best diagnostician ever in Venango County. He took great interest in the organizations of the medical fraternity, being a Charter member of the county medical society, which he served as president; a prominent member and vice president of the Pennsylvania State Medical Society; and a life member of the American Medical Association. For over twenty years he was censor of the medical department of Wooster University, Ohio, and he served for a considerable period as a United States pension examining surgeon.
Dr. Crawford's known probity, combined with his medical learning, caused him to be called frequently as expert witness when brother doctors were on trial or in other cases when reliable scientific testimony was required. He himself was twice sued for malpractice, and it is noteworthy that the two suits, about forty years apart, were brought by members of the same family. At the second trial Dr. Gross was called as expert witness, and the doctor was acquitted after a hearing by jury, who decided that the charge was false. The prosecutor is still alive. Dr. Crawford had wonderful self control and was slow to anger, but once aroused he would let nothing interfere with the satisfaction of his sense of justice, and though there was nothing belligerent about his nature he would fight to maintain his convictions, which he did not form until he had made careful study of a subject and had little doubt about the right. On one occasion, when asked an insulting question by an attorney in court, he flew into a rage and proposed to defend himself, until the judge rebuked the attorney. He knew his legal rights and stood for them firmly, both as a professional man and a private citizen. In practice he was honest in his opinions and sincere in all his relations with patients, taking his work seriously, with a keen sense of his responsibility. He was a stickler for professional ethics, and until his death had the highest standing in all his connections with the medical fraternity. As a man of affairs he was equally respected, occupying a substantial position in business associations. He was one of the organizers of the First National Bank of Franklin and for over twenty-five years one of the directors of that institution. He acquired the ownership of fine farm lands in Venango and Mercer counties, some of the most valuable still in the possession of the family. He was a Democrat and a Mason, and sustained his interest in all these connections to the end of his life. [CAB, 570]
Robert Crawford attended school very regularly in his native land, and after coming to America turned his attention to the study of medicine, and after receiving the degree of M. D. from the Cincinnati Medical College was graduated from the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania. Thus well equipped for his life work, he located at Cooperstown, Venango County. Meeting with acknowledged success from the start, he built up a large and lucrative practice, and when he gave up active professional work had won a record for length of service, having practiced in one place longer than any other physician in Western Pennsylvania. He lived retired during the later days of his life, dying at the age of seventy-six years. [HMC 1909, 922]
General Notes: Wife - Sarah Poak Kelly
Her family moved to Cooperstown, Venango County, PA, from Centre County, when she was fourteen years old. All of her sisters died young.
1 Editor, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk, & Co., Publishers, 1890), Pg 1070.
2 J. G. White, A Twentieth Century History of Mercer County Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1909), Pg 921.
3 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 569.
4 Editor, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk, & Co., Publishers, 1890), Pg 1071.
5 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 571.
6 Helen M. Snyder, Genealogy of Robert Beatty 1760-1823 (Franklin, PA: Self-published.), Addendum.
7 J. G. White, A Twentieth Century History of Mercer County Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1909), Pg 922.
8 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania (Chambersburg, PA: J. M. Runk & Company, Publishers, 1896), Pg 127.
9 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clinton, Union and Snyder. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 894.
10 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 571, 588.
11 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 530, 571.
12 John W. Jordan, LL.D., A History of the Juniata Valley and Its People (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1913), Pg 762.
13 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 531.
14 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 114, 571.
15 Various, Grove Hill Cemetery Transcription (Oil City, PA: Privately published, ~1985), Sec. 18.
16 Editor, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk, & Co., Publishers, 1890), Pg 864.
17 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 114, 1080.
18 Editor, Book of Biographies, 37th Judicial District, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Biographical Publishing Company, 1899), Pg 526.
Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 1081.
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