Nevin Augustine Cort and Mary E. Laird
Husband Nevin Augustine Cort 1 2 3 4
Born: 20 Mar 1867 - Quakertown, Bucks Co, PA 2 4 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Rev. Lucian Cort (1824-1905) 4 5 6 7 Mother: Mrs. Sabina Ochs ( -1888) 2 3
Marriage: 10 May 1894 4 8
Wife Mary E. Laird 1 4
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Thomas Laird (1845- ) 4 9 10 Mother: Margaret Snedden ( - ) 1 4
1 F Helen Laird Cort 4 8
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Wilfred C. Larimer ( - ) 4 8
2 M Thomas Laird Cort 4 8
Born: 19 May 1896 4 8 Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Ruth Christner ( - ) 4
3 F Mary Margaret Cort 4 8
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Courtland Palmer ( - ) 4
4 M Nevin Augustine Cort, Jr. 4 8
Born: Abt 1910 Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Nevin Augustine Cort
Born in Quakertown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, he removed from his native place with his parents when only one year of age. His father about this time assumed charge of the Allentown Female Seminary, but only remained at that institution for a year when he removed to Martinsburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania. Here he built the Martinsburg Classical and Scientific Institute and remained at the head of this institution until 1874. In the meantime his son was growing up and received the early portion of his education at the school of which his father was head. In the year 1874 he once more moved with his father to Greensburg and here the Greensburg Female Seminary was opened April 1, 1875. Here the lad pursued his studies until 1881, when, being unusually far advanced for his age, he decided to abandon his studies for a time and go to work. He had begun the study of Latin and Greek in 1878, when only eleven years of age, and was altogether a most precocious lad. Accordingly he secured a position as bookkeeper for J. Bowman & Son and worked in that capacity for the firm for three years. At the end of this period he returned once more to his studies, which he continued under the direction of his father at the latter school. Shortly afterwards, he was persuaded by County Superintendent of Schools Hugus to become a teacher at No. 12 School, Derry township. After completing one term at this institution, he was transferred to the Rugh School, situated southwest of Greensburg, or what is now South Greensburg, but at the end of two months gave up his work there on account of the importunities of his former employers, J. Bowman & Son, who desired that he return to their establishment and resume his work as bookkeeper. This he consented to do and worked for the old concern for about twelve months. Once more he returned to his studies in his father's school, which his father in the meantime had sold to the Evangelical Lutheran church. In the year 1888 he entered the Franklin & Marshall College, taking the usual classical course there. He did not complete his course, however, as he was taken ill at the end of his Junior year. After recovering from his sickness he took up the study of law with A. M. Sloan, where he pursued his studies to such good purpose that he was admitted to practice at the bar of Westmoreland County, February 25, 1893. Mr. Cort then engaged in the practice of his profession at Greensburg.
In politics Mr. Cort was a Republican, and he took a very prominent position among the leaders of his party in the county. His first actual work for the party occurred when he was a young man, during the campaign of 1896, and thereafter he was active in every campaign of importance. In 1910 he was appointed assistant district attorney under W. T. Dom, Jr., and served in that capacity for three years. In September, 1917, he was nominated without opposition for the office of district attorney on the Republican ticket and was elected by the handsome majority of thirty-seven hundred votes.
He was a member of the local lodge, Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks, holding a life membership in the same. He was exalted ruler in Mount Pleasant Lodge, No. 868, of this order, for five years. He was a member of the Reunion Presbyterian Church at Mount Pleasant, and made his home in this city beginning June 5, 1893.
His education was received from private tutors, in part, and in part at the various schools controlled by his father. He was doing excellent work at Franklin and Marshall College, with the class of 1892, when ill health brought his career there to an end. Unusually precocious, he had in part maintained himself by accepting a position as bookkeeper for J. Bowan & Son, for whom he had performed such admirable service for three years that he was persuaded to return for a shorter term later on in life. Having made up his mind to study the law by this time, he entered the office of A. M. Sloan, where he pursued his studies to such good effect that he was admitted to practice at the bar of Westmoreland County, February 25, 1893. Following that date Mr. Cort was involved in the practice of general law at Greensburg. In politics a Republican, Mr. Cort was very prominent in party circles. In a campaign of 1896 he did energetic service for the Republican cause, and this continued in all subsequent campaigns. In 1910 he was appointed assistant district attorney under W. T. Dom, Jr., in which capacity he served for three years. In September, 1917, he was nominated without opposition for the district attorneyship on the Republican ticket and elected by the handsome majority of 3,700 votes. For eight years he continued in office and gave such efficient service that nearby courts favorably commented on his conducting of affairs. On January 11, 1926, he retired from the office of district attorney and entered the private practice of his profession. For a number of years he served on the School Board. He was a member of the local lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks; and a member of the Presbyterian Church.
General Notes: Wife - Mary E. Laird
from Mt. Pleasant Twp, Westmoreland Co, PA
1 John W. Jordan, History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, Genealogical Memoirs, Vol. II (Chicago, IL: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1906), Pg 492.
2 Fenwick Y. Hedley, Old and New Westmoreland, Vols. III & IV (New York, NY: The American Historical Society, Inc., 1918), Pg 1125.
3 John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of Western Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1915), Pg 1006.
4 George P. Donehoo, Pennsylvania - A History (SW) (New York, NY; Chicago, IL: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, Inc., 1926), Pg 158.
5 Samuel T. Wiley, Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: John M. Gresham & Co., 1890.), Pg 91.
6 John W. Jordan, History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, Genealogical Memoirs, Vol. III (Chicago, IL: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1906), Pg 641.
7 Fenwick Y. Hedley, Old and New Westmoreland, Vols. III & IV (New York, NY: The American Historical Society, Inc., 1918), Pg 1124.
8 Fenwick Y. Hedley, Old and New Westmoreland, Vols. III & IV (New York, NY: The American Historical Society, Inc., 1918), Pg 1126.
9 Samuel T. Wiley, Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: John M. Gresham & Co., 1890.), Pg 485.
John W. Jordan, History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, Genealogical Memoirs, Vol. II (Chicago, IL: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1906), Pg 491.
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