Ludwig Derr and Catherine [Unk]
Husband Ludwig Derr 1 2
Born: Christened: Died: Oct 1785 1 Buried:Marriage:
Wife Catherine [Unk] 1 3
Born: Christened: Died: 1786 1 Buried:
1 M George Derr 1 2
Born: Abt 1762 Christened: Died: Feb 1829 1 3 Buried:Spouse: Fanny Yentzer (Abt 1770-1842) 1 3
General Notes: Husband - Ludwig Derr
He was the founder of Lewisburg, Union County, Pennsylvania.
The first record dates back to 1756, when Ludwig Derr is named among the residents of Heidelberg township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. In 1769 he came to Buffalo Valley to find a suitable location for a new home, and is mentioned in the notes of Charles Lukens, who made a survey along the river from the mouth of White Deer creek in October, of that year. He was perhaps the first settler in the Valley, and Charles Wilson, who surveyed the tract next below that of Lukens, mentions in his field notes for September 20, 1770, that Ludwig Derr was then living on "the proprietaries' tract."
Where Lewisburg now stands this enterprising pioneer established a trading-post, a house of one story and a half built of heavy logs, with its roof half-sloped, like the modern mansard, and containing a dormer window. On the lower floor were small, square windows and one heavy battened door. This building was completed as early as 1770, and his next enterprise was the construction of a mill, which was running in 1772. In June, 1772, he purchased from John Coxe, merchant, of Philadelphia, a large tract of land in the same vicinity for one hundred and seventy-five pounds. Two years later it seems that he wanted to borrow some money, and Robert Fruit and Thomas Hewitt, the county commissioners, valued the tract, on which the said Derr now lives, having a grist and saw mill, dwelling house and barn, clear upland and meadow, at one thousand pounds Pennsylvania currency - about $2,666.60. On July 31, 1773, he purchased a sixth of a tract of eleven thousand and fifty acres which Walter Clark had bought for himself and others in November, 1771. Northumberland County was organized in 1772, and the name of Ludwig Derr appears among the first grand jurors of the first session of court. He was without doubt a man of great force of character, courageous, and of unusual discretion. His mill and trading-post were known throughout this region, travelers making the point a regular stopping-place. Many meetings were held there by the patriots during the Revolutionary period, yet so kindly and justly had he treated the Indians that when nearly every structure built by white men between the Wyoming and the Mahantango was destroyed by the Indians, his stood and he remained with them unharmed. In March, 1785, he laid out his town, Samuel Weiser making the plot. A few lots were sold, and in September of that year he went to Philadelphia where he disposed of a few more, how many is not known exactly, the price averaging about twenty-five pounds. Time passed with no word from him, and his son, George, becoming alarmed went to Philadelphia to find him, but neither in his boarding house nor among business men could anything definite be learned as to his whereabouts. He left a widow, Catherine, and an only son, George, who inherited all the property. The name was spelled irregularly. Ludwig signed himself Ludwig Doer, his wife's signature was Catherine Darr, and "Tarr's mill" is spoken of in various accounts of the time. The Encyclopaedia Americana of 1790 speaks of "Lewisburgh, or Tarstown." [CBRCP-CCUS, 809]
1 Editor, History of the Susquehanna and Juniata Valleys (Philadelphia, PA: Everts, Peck & Richards, 1886), Pg 1292.
2 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clinton, Union and Snyder. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 809, 833.
Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clinton, Union and Snyder. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 809.
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