Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Frank Henry Gruninger and Anna May Clark

Husband Frank Henry Gruninger 1

           Born: 2 Aug 1872 - Liverpool, Medina Co, OH 1

         Father: George Frederick Gruninger (1850-      ) 1
         Mother: Helen Elizabeth Frank (1851-      ) 1

       Marriage: 25 Apr 1900 1

Wife Anna May Clark 2

           Born: 18 May 1873 - Warren, Warren Co, PA 2

         Father: James Clark (1831-1912) 2 3
         Mother: Mary Eliza Stevens (1839-      ) 2 3

1 M John Edward Gruninger 2

           Born: 1 Jan 1910 - Warren, Warren Co, PA 2

General Notes: Husband - Frank Henry Gruninger

He is a graduate of Medina high school and later of Case school, Cleveland, Ohio, where he took a special course in architecture. After leaving Case school he entered the employ of S. R. Badgley, of Cleveland, member of an architectural firm of national reputation. In 1895 he came to Warren, Pennsylvania, as manager to the Warren branch office of S. R. Badgley and in 1902 established in business for himself as architect, with offices in the Warren National Bank building. He won an enviable reputation in his profession and had to his credit many of the most attractive and substantial buildings in Warren and elsewhere. Among these were the Young Men's Christian Association building; the Presbyterian church; the Swedish Lutheran church; the chapel in Oakland cemetery; the residence of W. H. Allen; Samuel Peterson residence, Warren; the Mirror and George L. Folkman blocks; the U. G. Lyons residence; the German Lutheran church at Liverpool, Ohio; the Methodist church at Union City, Pennsylvania; the Sylvester Memorial Library building, Neil block and public school building at Medina, Ohio; the Arthur block, Cleveland, Ohio; high school buildings at Spencer, Litchfield and Liverpool, Ohio. He was reared in the faith of the German Lutheran church in Liverpool, Ohio; his wife was a member of the Presbyterian church at Warren, Pennsylvania. Politically he was a Republican, and served on the school board in Warren.



1 John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1913), Pg 752.

2 John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1913), Pg 753.

3 Editor, Book of Biographies, 37th Judicial District, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Biographical Publishing Company, 1899), Pg 151.

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