Gov. John White Geary and Mary Church
Husband Gov. John White Geary 1 2 3 4
Born: 30 Dec 1819 - near Mt. Pleasant, Westmoreland Co, PA 1 2 Christened: Died: 8 Feb 1873 5 Buried: - Harrisburg, Dauphin Co, PA
Father: Richard Geary ( - ) 1 3 Mother: Margaret White ( - ) 1 3
Marriage: Nov 1858 6
Other Spouse: Margaret Ann Logan ( -1853) 6 - 12 Feb 1843 6
• Biographical Sketch: William C. Armor, Lives of the Governors of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: James K. Simon, 1873).
To read this brief biographical sketch of his life and career, click here.
Wife Mary Church 4
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Robert R. Church ( - ) 4 Mother:
Other Spouse: William Henderson ( -Bef 1883) 4
Other Spouse: Dr. H. Earnest Goodman ( - ) 7 - Aft Feb 1873
General Notes: Husband - Gov. John White Geary
He first followed commercial pursuits, but convinced by a short experience in a wholesale house in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, that this would not prove to him a satisfactory sphere of life, he yielded to his natural predilections for mathematics, and applied himself to the study of civil engineering. Having mastered the principles of that profession, he commenced the study of the law, in the belief that it would increase the chances of a successful career, and was admitted to the bar, though intending to adopt engineering as his fixed vocation. With this end in view he went to Kentucky, where he was engaged, partly in the employ of the commonwealth and partly in that of the Green River Railroad Company, to make a survey of several important lines of public works. His success in the Southwest opened the way to advancement in his native State, and he soon after became assistant superintendent and engineer of the Allegheny Portage Railroad. While occupied with the duties of this position, in the month of May, 1846, President Polk sent a message to Congress, informing that body that "war existed with this country by the act of Mexico," and asking for men and money to enable him to maintain the rights and vindicate the honor of the government. The burst of enthusiasm was instantaneous and general, and Geary was among the first who responded to the call for volunteers, in a short time raising a company in Cambria County, to which he gave the name of American Highlanders. At Pittsburgh, his command was incorporated with the Second Pennsylvania Regiment, commanded by Col. Roberts, of which he was immediately elected lieutenant-colonel. The regiment joined the army of General Scott at Vera Cruz, and served with conspicuous gallantry in Quitman's division during the memorable advance upon the Mexican capital. Lieut.-Col. Geary's first experience of actual war was in the partial though spirited action of the Pass of La Hoya. In the storming of Chapultepec he was wounded, and in the assault upon the immediate defenses of the city, at the Garita de Belen, he again led his regiment with so much judgment, coolness, and intrepidity that upon the capture he was assigned to the command of the great citadel, as a mark of Quitman's appreciation of his services. From the time when the army entered the valley of Mexico, Col. Roberts was disqualified for duty by sickness, and the command of the regiment devolved upon the lieutenant-colonel. Shortly after the surrender of the capital, Col. Roberts died, and Lieut.-Col. Geary was elected to succeed him.
On the 22d of January, 1849, President Polk, in grateful recognition of his services in the Mexican war, appointed Col. Geary postmaster of San Francisco and mail agent for the Pacific coast, with authority to create post-offices, appoint postmasters, establish mail routes, and make contracts for carrying the mails throughout California. Having received his commission, on the 1st of February, in company with his wife and child, sailed from New York for the Pacific coast. On the 1st of April he landed safely at San Francisco, and entered at once upon the discharge of his duties. For a time he was obliged to content himself with the rudest accommodations, and to perform his work under many disadvantages. But here, as in all previous situations, his methodical turn and practical tact soon enabled him to improvise all needful facilities, and brought the labors of the office under an easy and expeditious management.
The intelligent and obliging dispatch with which Col. Geary had discharged his duties as postmaster and mail agent so won the confidence and esteem of the people of San Francisco, that when the time arrived for the election of town officers he was unanimously chosen first alcalde, though there were ten different tickets submitted to the choice of the voters. Shortly afterwards this mark of appreciation on the part of the citizens was followed by another equally flattering on the part of the military governor of the Territory, Brig.-Gen. Riley, who appointed him judge of first instance. These offices were of Mexican origin, and they imposed onerous and important duties. The alcalde was sheriff, probate judge, recorder, notary public, and coroner. The court of first instance exercised both civil and criminal jurisdiction throughout the city, and besides this adjudicated all those cases arising under the port regula-tions which usually fall within the cognizance of courts of admiralty. At the close of his first term he was re-elected, receiving all but four votes of the whole number cast, and continued in office until the Mexican institutions were superseded by the American forms of municipal government.
In a vote upon the first city charter and for officers to serve thereunder, May 1, 1850, Judge Geary was elected first mayor of San Francisco by a large majority. As mayor, he rendered valuable service in perfecting the municipal organization, in restraining the tendency to extravagant expenditure of the public funds, sustaining the city's credit by judicious management of its finances, and by an honest disposal of the public property saved to the corporation many millions of dollars.
Owing to the failing health of his wife, Col. Geary, on the 1st of February, 1852, sailed from San Francisco, intending to go back and remain permanently in California, but the death of the former and other circumstances unforeseen caused him to change his purpose, and gave a new direction to his whole course of life. After having spent about three years in retirement, and had in a measure brought the condition of his farm into conformity with his own ideal of what such an estate should be, President Pierce invited him to Washington for the purpose of tendering to him the Governorship of Utah, which, after due acknowledgment of the compliment, he respectfully declined.
Not the government of Utah but of Kansas was the great problem of Mr. Pierce's administration. A bloody civil strife was being waged in that Territory, and the political state of the whole country was convulsed on the subject of its affairs. One Governor had been removed for refusing to conform strictly to the Federal policy in regard to slavery, and another was preparing to flee from the Territory through fear of assassination. In view of the pressing exigency, the thoughts of the President reverted to Col. Geary, and after consultation in July he was appointed Governor of Kansas, and proceeded immediately to his new field of labor, arriving at Fort Leavenworth on the 9th of September, 1856. His administration extended only from that date to March, 1857.
Governor Geary was at his farm in Westmoreland when the sound of the Rebellion's first gun broke upon the ear of the nation. Early on the morning following the eventful day he drove his farm-wagon to the neighboring village, and there first heard the news of the assault upon Fort Sumter. In less than an hour after reading the telegram he had opened an office for the enlistment of volunteers. As soon as he could communicate with the President he tendered his services, and was immediately commissioned colonel, with authority to raise a regiment for the defense of the Union. In the course of a few weeks he received applications from sixty-six companies, soliciting permission to join his command. On account of the numerous and urgent appeals he was permitted to increase his regiment to sixteen companies, with one battery of six guns, making the full complement to consist of fifteen hundred and fifty-one officers and men. The artillery company was that which subsequently became so celebrated as Knapp's Battery. Of Gen. Geary's services during the Rebellion we shall not refer further than to say they were brilliant, and gave him honor few enjoyed, and when the war closed he had reached the rank of major-general.
When, in the spring of 1866, the Republican leaders of Pennsylvania began to consider the important question of selecting a candidate for the chief magistracy of the state, it soon became apparent that the name of Gen. Geary was everywhere received with favor. His ripe experience in the conduct of civil affairs and his distinguished services in the field commended him alike to the gratitude of the popular heart and the sanction of the popular judgment. After a very spirited canvass he was elected over his competitor, Hiester Clymer, by a majority of over seventeen thousand votes, and was inaugurated on the 15th of January, 1867. Governor Geary was elected to a second term, which he filled with acknowledged ability. A few weeks after his successor in office was inaugurated he died suddenly while sitting at the breakfast-table. The entire city and state were shocked by the unexpected event. The Legislature, then in session, at once adopted measures for the funeral obsequies at the State's expense. To no former Executive had ever such a distinction been accorded, and every respect that could be shown was paid to his memory. He was buried at Harrisburg, and over his grave the State he loved so well and served so faithfully erected a monument of bronze creditable to the great commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
1 George Dallas Albert, History of the County of Westmoreland, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: L. H. Everts & Co., 1882), Pg 440.
2 William Henry Egle, History of the County of Dauphin in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Everts & Peck, 1883), Pg 493.
3 William C. Armor, Lives of the Governors of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: James K. Simon, 1873), Pg 466.
4 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of the Juniata Valley (Chambersburg, PA: J. M. Runk & Co., 1897), Pg 12.
5 William C. Armor, Lives of the Governors of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: James K. Simon, 1873), Pg 490.
6 William C. Armor, Lives of the Governors of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: James K. Simon, 1873), Pg 489.
William Henry Egle, History of the County of Dauphin in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Everts & Peck, 1883), Pg 495.
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