Rev. Henry Caswall and Mary Chase
Husband Rev. Henry Caswall 1
Born: - England Christened: Died: 17 Dec 1870 - ? Venango Co, PA 1 Buried:
Father: Rev. Robert Clark Caswall ( - ) 1 Mother:
• Residence: : Franklin, Venango Co, PA.
Wife Mary Chase 1
Born: Christened: Died: Aft 1879 Buried:
Father: [Unk] Chase ( - ) Mother:
1 F Mary Elizabeth Caswall 2
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: David Denison Grant (1843- ) 1 2 Marr: 20 Apr 1863 - Boston, MA 2
General Notes: Husband - Rev. Henry Caswall
He was an Englishman by birth, came to America in 1828, and entered Kenyon college, Gambier, Knox County, Ohio. Bishop Chase had been in England collecting funds to help finish the college. He received twenty thousand dollars, and when the bishop expressed a wish that young men of enterprise and devotion should follow him to Ohio to study for the ministry, Mr. Caswall was among the first to embark for America with that intention. He graduated after studying for deacon's orders, and was ordained by Bishop Chase. His first parish was Portsmouth, Ohio. He went to Portsmouth in 1830, accompanied by his wife, Mary Chase Caswall, a niece of the Bishop's. After about a year's labor, Mr. Caswall's health failed, so that he was obliged to resign his parish. After he regained his health he held several important appointments, and finally returned to England, became vicar of Fighddean, Wiltshire, and also prebendary of Salisbury cathedral. After twenty-six years of parish and missionary work, his health again failed, and he came to America for rest, and having a married daughter, Mrs. D. D. Grant, in Franklin, Pennsylvania, he purchased in 1868, the property built by Major Kennedy, on Liberty street, Plumer hill.
1 J. H. Newton, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Columbus, OH: J. A. Caldwell Publishers, 1879), Pg 483.
John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1913), Pg 948.
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