Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

John Carothers and Isabella Power

Husband John Carothers 1 2

           Born: 1789 - Sewickley Twp, Westmoreland Co, PA 1 2
           Died: 2 Dec 1858 1 2
         Buried:  - Sewickley Church, Westmoreland Co, PA

         Father: James Carothers (      -1801) 1 3 4
         Mother: Catherine Potter (      -      ) 3 4 5 6


Wife Isabella Power 1 2

           Died: Bef 1858
         Buried:  - Sewickley Church, Westmoreland Co, PA

         Father: Rev. Dr. James Power, D.D. (1746-1830) 7 8 9
         Mother: [Unk] Tanner (      -      )

1 M James P. Carothers 2 10

           Born: 18 Sep 1806 - near Port Royal, South Huntingdon Twp, Westmoreland Co, PA 1
           Died: 5 Feb 1877 or 1879 10
         Buried:  - Markle Cemetery, Sewickley Twp, Westmoreland Co, PA
         Spouse: Jane K. Moore (1824-      ) 1
           Marr: 4 May 1843 1

2 F Mary Carothers 1 2

           Died: Bef 1882 - near Rockford, Winnebago Co, IL

3 F Catharine Carothers 1 2

           Died: Aft 1882
         Spouse: Rev. Joseph B. McKee (      -Bef 1882) 1

4 M William Swan Carothers 1 2

           Born:  - Pennsylvania
           Died: Bef 1882 - Illinois

General Notes: Husband - John Carothers

He was a convert under the preaching of Rev. Dr. Power, whose daughter he afterwards married. He was a man distinguished for his kindness and charity, and his house was the home of the Christian minister; his hospitality was shared alike by the poor and the rich. In 1808 he moved from a farm near Port Royal, and settled on a farm which was thereafter the homestead of the family, situated near Millgrove, on the Greensburg road. It consisted of one hundred and eighty-one and a quarter acres, and was a portion of a tract deeded by patent to John Barr and James Wilson, described in the original patent as a certain tract of land called "Bachelors Hall." At the time of his settlement on the place only a log house had been erected and a small clearing made in the forest. He was by trade a coppersmith, and while he cleared and worked his farm by day, he worked at his trade at night. He had remarkable health and vigor until within a few months of his death.



1 George Dallas Albert, History of the County of Westmoreland, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: L. H. Everts & Co., 1882), Pg 667.

2 G. O. Seilhamer, Esq, The Bard Family (Chambersburg, PA: Kittochtinny Press, 1908), Pg 317.

3 John Blair Linn, History of Centre and Clinton Counties, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1883), Pg 402.

4 G. O. Seilhamer, Esq, The Bard Family (Chambersburg, PA: Kittochtinny Press, 1908), Pg 310, 316.

5 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson and Clarion. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 109.

6 Franklin Ellis, History of Fayette County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: L. H. Everts & Co., 1882), Pg 351.

7 J. Smith Futhey & Gilbert Cope, History of Chester County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Louis H. Everts, 1881), Pg 688.

8 John M. Gresham, Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Fayette County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: John M. Gresham & Co., 1889), Pg 205.

9 Samuel T. Wiley, Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: John M. Gresham & Co., 1890.), Pg 305.

10 George Dallas Albert, History of the County of Westmoreland, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: L. H. Everts & Co., 1882), Pg 667, 706.

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