Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Dr. Lorin William Smith and Alice Carmichael

Husband Dr. Lorin William Smith 1 2

           Born: 11 Jul 1865 - Venango Co, PA 1
           Died: 8 Oct 1940 - Wabash, Wabash Co, IN 1

         Father: Rev. Henry Clay Smith (1842-1878) 1 2
         Mother: Harriet Howe (1841-1920) 3 4

       Marriage: 20 Aug 1889 1

Wife Alice Carmichael 5

           Born: 10 Oct 1866 - Sandy Lake, Mercer Co, PA 5

         Father: William Carmichael (1837-1916) 6
         Mother: Delia Tabor Newkirk (1844-1922) 6

1 M Lorin William Smith 7

           Born: 17 Sep 1895 - Wabash, Wabash Co, IN 7
         Spouse: Mildred Chase Wright (      -      ) 7
           Marr: 8 Jun 1920 - Hastings, Dakota Co, MN 8

General Notes: Husband - Dr. Lorin William Smith

He was educated at the University of Pennsyl­vania and practiced his profession from 1893 to the day of his death. He and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was a Mason, K. of P., B. P. O. E., I. O. O. F., and Ben Hur; served as president of County Board of Charities and on the Board Children's Guardians.

General Notes: Wife - Alice Carmichael

"The father of my husband, the Rev. Henry Clay Smith, was pastor of the Methodist Church at Hendersonville, PA, in 1870. The congregation was made of largely of Carmichaels, Hendersons and Armstrongs. As was the custom, the congregation took up a collection to purchase a Christmas gift for the Pastor's wife. The gift was a handsome Roman scarf three yards long and sixteen inches wide. The stripes of the Roman colors alternating with rich black, makes a gorgeous scarf. I did not know the Smiths, as I was a child of but five years of age. Years later I met the 'preacher's boy' and in due time we were married. One summer, while visiting Mother Smith, we were sitting on the porch. It was in the cool of the evening, and as she went into the house to get a wrap for herself, she asked if she should bring me one. I said 'Yes', and when she returned she brought me the gorgeous scarf which I had never seen. I was thrilled, and in my impetuosity, I asked her to give it to me when she was through with it. Some days later, when I was packing to return home-we used trunks then-I found the scarf care­fully wrapped and lying on my trunk. Expressing my pleasure and surprise at her giving it to me now, she replied, 'Oh, well! You are the giddiest one in the family and might as well have it now and enjoy it.' To appreciate this I must tell you she was one of the most de­mure, modest little women I ever knew. A paragon of a pastor's wife. This scarf, 70 years old, is my most cherished heirloom and I am sorry I have no daughter to give it to."



1 Oren V. Henderson, The Descendants of Robert Henderson of Hendersonville, Pennsylvania (Durham, NH: Self-Published, 1947), Pg 125.

2 Mrs. Harold V. Linn, Daniel Smith - Pioneer Settler of Rockland Township, Venango County, Pennsylvania (Venango County, PA: Privately published, 1961), Pg 104.

3 A. J. Davis, History of Clarion County, Pennsylvania (Syracuse, NY: D. Mason & Co., 1887), Pg xxv.

4 Mrs. Harold V. Linn, Daniel Smith - Pioneer Settler of Rockland Township, Venango County, Pennsylvania (Venango County, PA: Privately published, 1961), Pg 104, 122.

5 Oren V. Henderson, The Descendants of Robert Henderson of Hendersonville, Pennsylvania (Durham, NH: Self-Published, 1947), Pg 75.

6 Oren V. Henderson, The Descendants of Robert Henderson of Hendersonville, Pennsylvania (Durham, NH: Self-Published, 1947), Pg 43.

7 Oren V. Henderson, The Descendants of Robert Henderson of Hendersonville, Pennsylvania (Durham, NH: Self-Published, 1947), Pg 126.

8 Oren V. Henderson, The Descendants of Robert Henderson of Hendersonville, Pennsylvania (Durham, NH: Self-Published, 1947), Pg 208.

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