Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

James H. McComb and Martha Calhoun

Husband James H. McComb 1 2 3 4

           Born: 24 Nov 1813 - Conemaugh Twp, Indiana Co, PA 4
           Died: 26 Nov 1896
         Buried:  - Grove Hill Cemetery, Oil City, Venango Co, PA

         Father: George McComb (1783-1859) 2 5 6
         Mother: Elizabeth Marshall (1788-1857) 1 6 7

       Marriage: 1837 4

Wife Martha Calhoun 1 4

           Born: Abt 1816
           Died: 30 Nov 1881
         Buried:  - Grove Hill Cemetery, Oil City, Venango Co, PA

1 M George Alexander McComb 4 8

           Born: 18 May 1838 - Blairsville, Indiana Co, PA 8
           Died: 1909
         Buried:  - Grove Hill Cemetery, Oil City, Venango Co, PA
         Spouse: Ellen Smith (1844-1898) 9
           Marr: 1862 9

2 F Florinda A. McComb 4

            AKA: Floda McComb,8 Flodie McComb,10 Flodie McCombs 11
           Born:  - Smicksburg, Indiana Co, PA
         Spouse: Robert M. Kelly (      -1913) 8 12

3 F Lottie E. McComb 4 8

           Born:  - Smicksburg, Indiana Co, PA
         Spouse: George P. Orr (      -      ) 8 9
           Marr: 1870 9

4 F Margaret T. J. "Maggie" McComb 4 8

           Born:  - Kittanning, Armstrong Co, PA
         Spouse: Alfred Dodd (      -      ) 8 9
           Marr: 1876 9

5 F Laura McComb 4 8

           Born:  - Kittanning, Armstrong Co, PA
         Spouse: William Hannam (      -      ) 8

General Notes: Husband - James H. McComb

He was born in Conemaugh township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. When about two years of age he removed with his parents to Wayne township, Armstrong County. He lived at home with his parents until he had grown to manhood and worked on the farm and in the tannery. He purchased a share in one of the first threshing machines that was brought into the neighborhood and followed threshing for several years. He dealt in stock and droved for a few years in company with Richey Brothers. In 1836 he went to Indiana County, to farm for his uncle, John McComb. In 1837 he married and he and his wife lived at Blairsville, Indiana County, for a time and removed from there to his father's tannery, which he managed, and made harness for a few years, and they then removed to Smicksburg, Pennsylvania, where he built the hotel later owned by Campbell Cassidy. He held the offices of constable and justice of the peace. He also, while in Smicksburg, kept hotel and managed a stage line from Kittanning, to Punxsutawney. He and his family moved to Kittanning, about 1856, and engaged in the hotel business at that place for about ten years. They next removed to Oil City, and he became an oil producer.

He was born in Blairsville, Indiana County, Pennsylvania, and grew to manhood in that section of the country. At the time of the breaking out of the Civil War he was engaged in the hotel business at Kittanning, and was also the owner of a stage line from that city to Smicksburg, Blairsville and Dayton. He was also under contract to the government to carry the mail between these places, and when war was declared, he obtained a contract for carrying volunteers from these towns to Kittanning. Toward the close of the war he left Kittanning and engaged in the oil producing business. This he carried on at Rouseville, Rynd Farm, and other towns in that section, and served there several terms as school director. He was a candidate for the legislature, but was defeated. He was the proprietor of the Lawrence Hotel at Oil City, this being the first hotel in that town, and was the proprietor of the McComb house at Kittanning. He was one of the organizers of the Union News Company, and had charge of this enterprise between Oil City and Porters Landing. He owned the wells on Steel Farm, on which "Coal Oil Johnnie" made his millions, and was himself at one time a millionaire. Another of the enterprises in which he was largely interested was the steamboat and barge business, operating a steamboat line between Pittsburgh and Oil City prior to the railroad. He was at one time a partner of Marcus Hulings and Thomas Phillips.

General Notes: Wife - Martha Calhoun

from Indiana Co, PA



1 Editor, History of Indiana County, Pennsylvania (Newark, OH: J. A. Caldwell, 1880), Pg 538.

2 Editor, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, Her People Past and Present (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1914), Pg 436.

3 John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of Western Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1915), Pg 1647.

4 O. S. Marshall, The Marshall Family (Kittanning, PA: Steam Press of Reichert Bros., 1884), Pg 73.

5 Editor, History of Indiana County, Pennsylvania (Newark, OH: J. A. Caldwell, 1880), Pg 412, 538.

6 O. S. Marshall, The Marshall Family (Kittanning, PA: Steam Press of Reichert Bros., 1884), Pg 71.

7 Editor, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, Her People Past and Present (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1914), Pg 436, 610.

8 John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of Western Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1915), Pg 1648.

9 O. S. Marshall, The Marshall Family (Kittanning, PA: Steam Press of Reichert Bros., 1884), Pg 74.

10 Editor, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, Her People Past and Present (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1914), Pg 886.

11 Editor, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, Her People Past and Present (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1914), Pg 396.

12 Editor, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, Her People Past and Present (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1914), Pg 396, 886.

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