Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Richard F. Westermann and Lucinda Burnett

Husband Richard F. Westermann 1

           Born: 4 Jan 1863 - Sulzbach, Germany 1

         Father: Charles Westermann (      -      ) 1
         Mother: Louisa Busse (      -      ) 1

       Marriage: 16 Jan 1889 1

Wife Lucinda Burnett 1

           Born: 24 Oct 1866 - Venango Co, PA 1

         Father: Singleton Burnett (      -      ) 1
         Mother: Rose Potter (      -      ) 1

1 M Karl F. Westermann 1

           Born: 18 Aug 1890 1

General Notes: Husband - Richard F. Westermann

His boyhood days were spent in his native town, where he received a thorough educational training, and at the age of twelve years began a course of study preparatory to entering a university. He continued his studies until he had attained the age of sixteen years, when he decided to try his fortune in the New World. Leaving behind him the tender associations of kindred and home, he embarked at Antwerp, May 20, 1879, and landed at Jersey City, June 1, following. He was met there by his uncle, Henry L. Westermann, who brought him to Millerstown. The appearance of the country and the prosperous towns along the route impressed him with the advantages of this land, and he determined to master the language and familiarize himself with our customs. Upon his arrival at Millerstown, he entered the employ of Westermann Brothers, for whom he clerked seven years. In 1886 he became a member of the firm of R. F. Westermann & Company, dealers in clothing and men's furnishing goods, to which business he then devoted his attention, it being the only exclusive clothing house in the borough.
Politically, he was a Democrat, and voted that ticket from the time he became a citizen of the United States in 1884. He was secretary of Argyle Lodge, Number 540, F. & A. M.; passed the chairs in Millerstown Lodge, Number 947, I. O. O. F., and in Millerstown Lodge, Number 457, K. of P.

General Notes: Wife - Lucinda Burnett

She was born on the celebrated Tarr farm, in Venango County, Pennsylvania.



1 Editor, History of Butler County, Pennsylvania (R. C. Brown & Co. Publishers, 1895), Pg 975.

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