James Buchanan, Sr. and Elizabeth Speer
Husband James Buchanan, Sr. 1 2
Born: 1761 - County Donegal, Ireland Christened: Died: 11 Jun 1821 2 Buried: - Waddell Cemetery, near Mercersburg, Franklin Co, PA
Father: [Father] Buchanan ( - ) Mother:
Wife Elizabeth Speer 1
Born: Abt 1766 - ? Adams Co, PA Christened: Died: 14 May 1833 2 Buried:
Father: James Speer ( - ) 3 Mother: Mary [Unk] ( - ) 3
1 M James Buchanan, Jr.
AKA: James B. Buchanan 4 Born: 23 Apr 1791 - Cove Gap, Franklin Co, PA Christened: Died: 1 Jun 1868 Buried:Spouse: Did Not Marry
2 F Maria A. Buchanan 4
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Dr. C. M. Yates, M.D. (1804- ) 4 Marr: 1826 4
General Notes: Husband - James Buchanan, Sr.
He was a businessman, merchant, and farmer.
He had six daughters and five sons.
These words appear on the stone marking his grave; "The deceased was a tender husband, an intelligent parent, and a faithful friend. In all his intercourse with society, which was extensive, he sustained the character of an honest man and a useful citizen."
1 Alex. Harris, A Biographical History of Lancaster County (Lancaster, PA: Elias Barr & Co., 1872), Pg 91.
2 Editor, History of Franklin County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Warner, Beers & Co., 1887), Pg 571.
3 G. O. Seilhamer, Esq, The Bard Family (Chambersburg, PA: Kittochtinny Press, 1908), Pg 382.
Editor, The History of Crawford County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Warner Beers & Co., 1885), Pg 775.
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