Andrew Craig and Susanna [Unk]
Husband Andrew Craig 1 2
Born: 1662 1 3 Christened: Died: 6 Oct 1739 3 Buried: - Old St. John's churchyard, Elizabeth, Union Co, NJ
Father: [Ancestor] Craig ( - ) Mother:
Wife Susanna [Unk] 4
Born: 1668 4 Christened: Died: 6 Apr 1727 4 Buried: - Old St. John's churchyard, Elizabeth, Union Co, NJ
1 M Andrew Craig 3
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
2 M John Craig 1
Born: 1695 4 Christened: Died: 22 Aug 1758 4 Buried: - Old St. John's churchyard, Elizabeth, Union Co, NJ
3 M William Craig 3
AKA: Urn Craig 5 Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
4 F Margery Craig 6
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
5 F Elizabeth Craig 6
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
6 F Mary Craig 6
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
7 F Martha Craig 6
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Andrew Craig
In Governor Laurie's time he came to New Jersey with the Scotch, settling in Middlesex County. This was in 1684.
The year 1684, the date given for the arrival of our ancestors, is also the date recorded for the coming of an Andrew Craig to New Jersey. Andrew Craig became the owner of land situated southwest of the Rahway river within the present bounds of Westfield Township, in Union County, New Jersey. He was made an Associate of the Elizabethtown Purchasers in 1699 or 1700, and Andrew, the 2nd, was on the Town Committee in 1740 and also 1750.
It is a tradition that the ancestors of this line of Craigs fled from religious persecution in Scotland to the North of Ireland, but finding it little better in Ireland came to America in 1684; exiles for their allegiance to the principles of Presbyterianism.
"An Andrew Craig is of record as being 'imported in October, 1684, by John Forbes', who settled in Middlesex County, New Jersey." (Genealogical Notes, History of Old Tennent Church, N. J., page 462.)
On page 311 in a book entitled "The Early Germans of New Jersey" by Theodore Freylinghuyson Chambers, in the Newbury Library, Chicago, Ill., is the following record:
"Andrew Craig, born 1662, died October 6, 1739, aged 77, came to New Jersey with the Scotch in Gov. Laurie's time. Married Susanna \emdash , born 1668, died April 6, 1727, aged 59.
In March, 1700, he was admitted as an associate of Elizabethtown purchasers, and drew Lot 162 on S. W. side of Rahway river, within the bounds of the present Westfield. (Hatfield History of Elizabeth). Held the office of Alderman. His will, dated September 28, 1738, probated October 24, 1739.
1 Thomas Lynch Montgomery, LL.D., Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania Biography, Vol. 15 (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1924), Pg 178.
2 Jane Maria Craig, Samuel Craig, Senior, Pioneer to Western Pennsylvania, and His Descendants (Greensburg, PA: Privately printed, 1915), Pg 7, 14.
3 Jane Maria Craig, Samuel Craig, Senior, Pioneer to Western Pennsylvania, and His Descendants (Greensburg, PA: Privately printed, 1915), Pg 7.
4 Jane Maria Craig, Samuel Craig, Senior, Pioneer to Western Pennsylvania, and His Descendants (Greensburg, PA: Privately printed, 1915), Pg 14.
5 Jane Maria Craig, Samuel Craig, Senior, Pioneer to Western Pennsylvania, and His Descendants (Greensburg, PA: Privately printed, 1915), Pg 15.
Jane Maria Craig, Samuel Craig, Senior, Pioneer to Western Pennsylvania, and His Descendants (Greensburg, PA: Privately printed, 1915), Pg 7, 15.
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