John Rhodes and Sarah [Unk]
Husband John Rhodes 1
Born: 1658 2 Christened: Died: 14 Aug 1716 2 Buried:
Father: Zachary Rhodes (1603-1665) 1 Mother: Joanna Arnold (1617-1692) 1
Other Spouse: Waite Waterman (1668-1711) 2 - 12 Feb 1685 2
Wife Sarah [Unk] 2
Born: 1653 2 Christened: Died: 30 Mar 1730 2 Buried:
General Notes: Husband - John Rhodes
He was admitted a freeman in 1681, at a meeting of the general assembly at Newport, Rhode Island, at which time he was a resident of Warwick. In 1700, at a meeting of the general assembly held at Newport, he was elected general attorney for the colony of Rhode Island. In 1702-03-04 he was a deputy from Warwick to the general assembly, and in 1707 he was elected clerk of the general assembly.
1 John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of Beaver County, Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1914), Pg 1040, 1054.
John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of Beaver County, Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1914), Pg 1041, 1054.
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