Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

R. O. Braucht and Mary L. Gates

Husband R. O. Braucht 1

           Born: 10 Sep 1865 - Penn Twp, Centre Co, PA 1

         Father: William Braucht (1838-1873) 1
         Mother: Harriet Geary (      -      ) 1

       Marriage: 1889 - Millheim, Centre Co, PA 1

Wife Mary L. Gates 1


         Father: Amos W. Gates (      -Aft 1898) 1
         Mother: Louisa [Unk] (      -Aft 1898) 1

1 F Bessie Braucht 1

           Born: 5 Mar 1890 1

2 M Daniel Braucht 1

           Born: 24 Apr 1893 1

General Notes: Husband - R. O. Braucht

He was a small boy at the time of his father's death, and as his mother's financial condition was not very good, he was deprived of many privileges afforded most boys. Being robust and strong, he left home at the age of twelve years, and began working as a farm hand for Daniel Kramer for $2.50 per month. By nature steady and industrious, he could always find employment, and remained with Mr. Kramer, of Penn township, for two years. His educational privileges were necessarily limited to a few months' attendance at the country schools during the winter season, and often he was obliged to work for his board. He worked as hostler at the hotel which he later owned, and also as a farm hand for many of the best farmers of Penn township. At the age of seventeen he went to the lumber woods, where he was variously employed, his first contract being for trucking logs at Poe Mills, and later worked in the sawmill for Luther Guiswite, at Engleby. In the spring of 1886, he went to Stephenson County, Illinois, where he worked as a farm hand one summer, and on his return to Centre County again worked at Poe Mills for four years and a half. In the spring of 1891 he became connected with the livery business in Coburn, buying out the establishment of William Kremer, which he conducted for three years, and then purchased the "Coburn Hotel." This property he greatly improved, making it one of the best hostelries of Penn's Valley. Of an agreeable disposition, and willingness to administer to the wants of his guests, his house became a favorite with the traveling public.
He supported the men and measures of the Democratic party, while fraternally, he was a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge at Millheim, and the Patriotic Order Sons of America at Coburn.

General Notes: Wife - Mary L. Gates

Sunbury, Lancaster Co, PA



1 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clearfield, Jefferson and Clarion. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 339.

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