George Power and Margaret Bowman
Husband George Power 1 2 3
AKA: George Powers Born: 10 Apr 1762 - Maryland 2 3 Christened: Died: 2 Apr 1845 - ? Venango Co, PA 2 4 5 Buried: - Old Pioneer Cemetery, Franklin, Venango Co, PA 6
Father: William Power (1712-Bef 1804) 5 Mother: Margaret [Unk] (1729-1804) 5
Marriage: 30 Dec 1799 2 5
• Burial: : Old Pioneer Cemetery, Franklin, Venango Co, PA.
Wife Margaret Bowman 5
Born: 26 Jan 1780 5 Christened: Died: 16 Jul 1843 7 Buried: - Old Pioneer Cemetery, Franklin, Venango Co, PA 6
Father: James Bowman (Abt 1755-1826) 5 Mother: Catherine McCormick (Abt 1757-1809) 5
• Burial: : Old Pioneer Cemetery, Franklin, Venango Co, PA.
1 M Thomas Bowman Power 5 8
Born: 1 Jan 1801 5 Christened: Died: Bef 1890 Buried:
2 F Catherine McCormick "Kitty" Power 5 9 10
Born: 10 Sep 1803 - Franklin, Venango Co, PA 5 Christened: Died: 27 Feb 1884 10 Buried:Spouse: George Brigham (1788-1846) 5 9 10 Marr: 2 Dec 1819 11
3 F Mary Power 5
Born: 21 Nov 1805 5 Christened: Died: Bef 1890 Buried:Spouse: Frederick G. Crary ( - ) 8
4 F Margaret Power 12
AKA: Margret Power 5 Born: 6 Jan 1808 12 Christened: Died: 30 May 1887 ? 12 Buried:Spouse: Rowletter Power (1798-1879) 5 Marr: 25 Jun 1827 12
5 F Elizabeth (Eliza) Power 13
Born: 15 Aug 1810 5 Christened: Died: 17 Nov 1850 - Franklin, Venango Co, PA 14 15 Buried: - Old Pioneer Cemetery, Franklin, Venango Co, PA 16Spouse: Benjamin Adams Plumer (1803-1856) 14 17 Marr: 8 May 1831 14 15
6 M George R. Power 5 8
Born: 15 Mar 1813 5 Christened: Died: 15 Dec 1843 5 Buried:Spouse: Did Not Marry
7 M James M. Power 5 8
Born: 20 Jul 1815 5 Christened: Died: Aft 1890 Buried:Spouse: Caroline Kinnear ( - ) 5
8 M Benjamin L. Power 5 8
Born: 4 Sep 1818 5 Christened: Died: Bef 1890 Buried:Spouse: Did Not Marry
9 F Sarah Power 8 18
Born: 23 May 1821 5 Christened: Died: Abt 1895 Buried:Spouse: Samuel F. Plumer (1806-1861) 8 19 Marr: 23 Jul 1840 20
General Notes: Husband - George Power
Last name given as "Powers". [HVC 1879, 457]
He first came to Franklin, PA, in 1787, in the United States Commissary service under Capt. Jonathan Hart, with the soldiers who erected Fort Franklin. After several months here, similar duties took him to Fort Washington (now Cincinnati), OH, and to Vincennes, IN, a French town on the Wabash. In 1790 he returned thence to Franklin, making the entire journey on horseback. He brought with him a small stock of goods, enabling him to carry on trade with the Indians, who paid him in skins and furs, for which he could always find a market at Pittsburgh. John Frazier had traded with the Indians at this point until driven out by the French, and Mr. Power succeeded to his business, adapting himself readily to the requirements of dealing with the red men. He learned to speak the Seneca language with ease, and became well acquainted with Indian customs, gaining a knowledge of the savage character which was very valuable to him in the peculiar transactions often necessary. His old account books with the Indians' names translated into English, show that he gave them credit, and he seldom found them delinquent in their obligations. He was on particularly good terms with the old chief Cornplanter. He was shrewd, but Indians are shrewd, too. On one occasion he purchased from a hunting party a very fine silver gray fox skin, which he threw up into the loft of his store. A few hours later another fine skin of the same kind was brought in, and disposed of in the same manner. However, his suspicions became excited, and on investigating he found that the party had had only one skin, which had been quietly removed through a gable window in the loft (overlooking French creek) after the first sale and brought to him again. Mr. Power's long association with backwoodsmen also made him familiar with their wants, and he catered very successfully to all the demands of the local trade. He built a log house a short distance below Fort Franklin, and his store stood on the bank of French creek, between what later became Thirteenth and West Park streets, a little above the upper bridge.
Shortly after his marriage, in 1802, Mr. Power erected, near the site of his original log house, a substantial stone residence which stood, at what is now the corner of Otter and Elbow streets, on the site of the Judge Trunkey house, until 1872. It was the first dwelling of any pretensions built in Franklin, and for many years held its own as the grand house of the town, being always pointed out to visitors. It was a hotel as well as his family residence, and a generous hospitality was dispensed there for several decades.
He and his wife were brought up in the Episcopal faith, but eventually joined the Presbyterian Church. He was active in politics, and he was chosen to important public positions, having been elected coroner in 1814 and county treasurer in the year 1825. [CAB, 660]
1 J. H. Newton, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Columbus, OH: J. A. Caldwell Publishers, 1879), Pg 442.
2 Editor, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk, & Co., Publishers, 1890), Pg 744.
3 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 659.
4 J. H. Newton, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Columbus, OH: J. A. Caldwell Publishers, 1879), Pg 443.
5 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 660.
6 J. H. Newton, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Columbus, OH: J. A. Caldwell Publishers, 1879), Pg 457.
7 Editor, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk, & Co., Publishers, 1890), Pg 745.
8 J. H. Newton, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Columbus, OH: J. A. Caldwell Publishers, 1879), Pg 448.
9 J. H. Newton, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Columbus, OH: J. A. Caldwell Publishers, 1879), Pg 497.
10 Editor, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk, & Co., Publishers, 1890), Pg 762.
11 Editor, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk, & Co., Publishers, 1890), Pg 355, 762.
12 John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1913), Pg 448.
13 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 512, 660.
14 Editor, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk, & Co., Publishers, 1890), Pg 756.
15 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 512.
16 J. H. Newton, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Columbus, OH: J. A. Caldwell Publishers, 1879), Pg 458.
17 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 512, 660, 697.
18 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 660, 698.
19 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 660, 697.
Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 698.
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