David Bowman and Barbara Bowser
Husband David Bowman 1
Born: 30 Mar 1775 - near Hagerstown, Washington Co, MD 2 Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Wife Barbara Bowser 1
Born: 1774 1 Christened: Died: Abt 1865 - near Dayton, Montgomery Co, OH Buried:
Father: Daniel Bauser (Abt 1740- ) 3 Mother: Unknown ( - )
General Notes: Husband - David Bowman
He was born near Hagerstown, Maryland, and at the age of eighteen went to Frankstown, (then Bedford County) Pennsylvania, and learned the trade of cabinet making.
This is taken from a "History of Montgomery County, Ohio." Under the heading "Jefferson Township":
"As early as 1798 could be seen one of Jefferson Township's pioneers in the person of David Bowman, whose name will long be remembered in connection with the early religious history of this section of Ohio, drifting, as it were, with his good wife and rudely constructed raft down the Ohio, on his way to the country about the Little Miami River, whither he was going, to build a mill for parties who had preceded him."
The mill was erected, and, Mr. Bowman, impressed with the country, remained, and, after living in the locality and milling several years, removed to the neighborhood of Miamisburg, and there lived several years, thence to Jefferson Township, buying ΒΌ section of land. He was a minister of the Gospel, belonging to the denomination called German Baptists. He was instrumental in establishing several churches west of the Great Miami.
Notes: Marriage
Their children:
1. Esther Bowman.
2. John Bowman.
3. Polly Bowman.
4. Katie Bowman.
5. David Bowman.
6. Betsey Bowman.
1 Addison B. Bowser, A.M, The Bowser Family History (Chicago, IL: Excelsior Printing Co., 1922), Pg 256.
2 Addison B. Bowser, A.M, The Bowser Family History (Chicago, IL: Excelsior Printing Co., 1922), Pg 257.
Addison B. Bowser, A.M, The Bowser Family History (Chicago, IL: Excelsior Printing Co., 1922), Pg 255.
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