Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Aaron Bombaugh and Julia Duncan

Husband Aaron Bombaugh 1

           Born: 12 Feb 1803 - Harrisburg, Dauphin Co, PA 1
           Died: 13 Dec 1877 - Harrisburg, Dauphin Co, PA 2

         Father: Abraham Bombaugh (1770-1844) 2
         Mother: Catharine Reehm (1770-1855) 2


   Other Spouse: Mira Lloyd (1809-1853) 2 - 3 May 1827 2

Wife Julia Duncan 2

           Died: Aft 1883


General Notes: Husband - Aaron Bombaugh

He was educated at the private schools of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and at the old Academy. He was placed early in youth to the trade of a hatter with Jacob Shoemaker, of Harrisburg, and at his majority went to Philadelphia for instructions as a finisher, and while there became a member of the "Association of Journeymen Hatters," being entered March 2, 1824. He returned to his native town and established himself in business, which he followed several years, until he was obliged to relinquish it, owing to impaired health, which had been affected by the dyes used in coloring the felt. He then assumed charge of his father's extensive limestone quarry, conducting that business with marked success. Like his father and grandfather before him, he took a prominent part in municipal affairs, and frequently served in the Borough Council. From 1838 to 1844 he served as treasurer of the county of Dauphin. He was one of the first advocates for the establishment of a lunatic hospital by the state for the insane poor of the commonwealth, and greatly aided Miss Dix in her efforts to secure state assistance for the inauguration of those noble charities which so distinguished Pennsylvania. He was one of the first trustees of the institution located at Harrisburg. Having several farms near the city, the latter years of his life were passed in their management.
He was an early Abolitionist, as the anti-slavery men were denominated, a decided anti-Mason in the days of that crusade, and with well-defined and positive convictions was ready to encounter any amount of obloquy in their defense. During the Rebellion he devoted his time and means to the care and comfort of the Pennsylvania soldiers in camp and hospital. He was the last survivor of the Unitarian Society established by the Rev. Mr. Kay, which, from successive deaths and lack of fresh accessions, melted away over time.

General Notes: Wife - Julia Duncan

from Duncan's Island, PA



1 William Henry Egle, History of the County of Dauphin in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Everts & Peck, 1883), Pg 466.

2 William Henry Egle, History of the County of Dauphin in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Everts & Peck, 1883), Pg 467.

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