John Bleakley
Husband John Bleakley 1 2 3 4
Born: 20 Oct 1788 - Murphy Twp, County Tyrone, Ireland 1 2 4 5 Christened: Died: 11 Sep 1869 - Jackson Twp, Venango Co, PA 1 2 4 5 Buried:
Father: James Bleakley (Bef 1788- ) 2 3 6 7 Mother:
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 M Col. James Bleakley 1 2 3 4 5
Born: 13 Sep 1820 - near Unionville, Berks Co, PA 1 2 5 Christened: Died: 3 Oct 1883 - Franklin, Venango Co, PA 8 9 Buried: 5 Oct 1883 - Franklin Cemetery, Franklin, Venango Co, PA 10Spouse: Elizabeth Dubbs (1822-Aft 1890) 1 9 11 Marr: 3 Aug 1843 - Franklin, Venango Co, PA 1 9
General Notes: Husband - John Bleakley
He was born at Merley, County Tyrone, Ireland, and he and his wife came to America as young people, in June, 1819, at which time all the inhabitants of their parish save one bore the name of Bleakley. They first settled in Berks County, Pennsylvania, and in the summer of 1833 he removed to Venango County, where he spent the remainder of his life. Mrs. Bleakley died shortly after their arrival in the United States and left one son, James. Mr. Bleakley was a Presbyterian and a Mason, in good standing in both church and fraternity, as attested by the letter he brought from his pastor and the demit from his lodge in the Jurisdiction of Ireland, a copy of which follows:
To all whom it May Concern: We the Master Wardens and Secretary of Lodge No. 911, held in the town of Merley, and County Tyrone, and on the Registry of Ireland, do hereby certify that the bearer, Mr. John Bleakley, a regular registered Master Mason in said lodge, and during his stay with us behaved himself as an honest brother. Given under our hands and seal of our lodge in our lodge room, dated this 12th of June, 1819, and of Masonry 5819.
It is signed by Mathew Hunter, master; James Bleakley, senior warden; James Dogherty, junior warden; John Hanna, secretary. [HVC 1919, 528]
1 J. H. Newton, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Columbus, OH: J. A. Caldwell Publishers, 1879), Pg 483.
2 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 528.
3 John W. Jordan, LL.D., Genealogical and Personal History of the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1913), Pg 628.
4 George P. Donehoo, Pennsylvania - A History (NW) (New York, NY; Chicago, IL: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, Inc., 1926), Pg 83.
5 Editor, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk, & Co., Publishers, 1890), Pg 785.
6 George P. Donehoo, Pennsylvania - A History (NW) (New York, NY; Chicago, IL: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, Inc., 1926), Pg 42.
7 Joseph Riesenman, Jr., History of Northwestern Pennsylvania, Vol. III (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., Inc., 1943), Pg 388.
8 Editor, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk, & Co., Publishers, 1890), Pg 786.
9 Charles A. Babcock, Venango County, Pennsylvania, Her Pioneers and People (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1919), Pg 529.
10 Franklin Cemetery - Record of Interments (Franklin, PA.).
Editor, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk, & Co., Publishers, 1890), Pg 765.
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