Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Jacob Berlin and Polly Easttep

Husband Jacob Berlin 1 2 3

           Born: 8 Mar 1774 3
           Died: 12 Nov 1846 3
         Buried:  - Manor Church, Westmoreland Co, PA

         Father: [Ancestor] Berlin (      -      )


   Other Spouse: Susan Birely (1768-1835) 3

Wife Polly Easttep 3

           Died: Aft 1846
         Buried:  - Manor Church, Westmoreland Co, PA


• They had no children.

General Notes: Husband - Jacob Berlin

He was an early and widely-known citizen of Franklin township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, to which he came from Berks County. [BHCWC, 231]

From the best information obtainable he came from Germany with others of a German colony that William Penn brought to Westmoreland County and settled in a region called the Manor Valley, sometimes the Ringgold Manor. Shortly afterwards William Penn brought a company of Englishmen, who settled a few miles to the south and west of the first plantation, where the Berlin homestead was situated. It was necessary for the colonists to settle in large groups in order to protect themselves from the possibility of Indian raids. According to a story told by Amy Berlin, the youngest daughter of Jacob Berlin, who afterward married Colonel Paul Brinker, the Indians did make a raid on the Manor Valley settlers in the year 1738, and as usual all started for the block house near the old Brush Creek Church. In their flight they crossed the southwest corner of the Berlin homestead, a farm of two hundred acres, located about three-quarters of a mile west of the old Manor Church and three miles north of Harrison City. With this fleeing colony was a crippled girl, who couldn't keep up with the others. As the Indians were very close upon them her brother led a horse up to a stump for her to mount, and just as she got up on the stump a shot from an Indian gun killed her instantly. [WON, 305]
But if the date of birth given by this source is correct, he himself was not brought by Penn - Penn died in 1718 - so it must have been the ancestors of this Jacob Berlin.



1 Editor, History of Mercer County, Pennsylvania. Its Past and Present (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk & Co., Publishers, 1888), Pg 865.

2 Samuel T. Wiley, Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: John M. Gresham & Co., 1890.), Pg 231.

3 Fenwick Y. Hedley, Old and New Westmoreland, Vols. III & IV (New York, NY: The American Historical Society, Inc., 1918), Pg 305.

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