James Wright
Husband James Wright 1 2 3
Born: Christened: Died: - Kentucky Buried:
Father: [Father] Wright ( - ) Mother:
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - James Wright
About 1765 two brothers of Scotch-Irish descent, named Joshua and James Wright, came from the Cumberland valley and settled on Peters Creek, in Nottingham township, Washington County, Pennsylvania. The brothers went resolutely to work, and cleared a sufficient amount of their land to put in a crop. Joshua then returned to their home in the East and married, and soon returned with his bride to his forest home. Sept. 16, 1779, Joshua Wright purchased from his brother James all his share of their joint purchase. After this sale James Wright went to live in Kentucky, where he was killed by the Indians. [HWC 1882, 888]
About 1765 he came with his brother Joshua from the Cumberland Valley, Pennsylvania, and settled in Nottingham township, Washington County, on Peters creek. They obtained a tract of land containing over 800 acres (near what later became Finleyville) from Indians. In 1779 he sold to his brother James all his share of their joint purchase, and gave him a quit-claim deed for same, in which the following words occur: "I quit-claim to my brother against all save God Almighty, who being maker of the Universe, I cannot quit-claim against Him." After this sale, he went to Kentucky, where he was killed by the Indians.
1 Boyd Crumrine, History of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: L. H. Everts & Co., 1882), Pg 888.
2 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1893), Pg 976.
Unknown, History of the Joseph Wright Family (Privately published, 1914), Pg 1.
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