Prof. Jacob Oscar Wolfe
Husband Prof. Jacob Oscar Wolfe 1
Born: - Bethel Twp, Armstrong Co, PA Christened: Died: Aft 1914 Buried:
Father: Jacob Wolf (1813-1898) 2 Mother: Frances "Fannie" Van Dyke (1812-1890) 2
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Prof. Jacob Oscar Wolfe
He began his education in the public schools near his home at the age of six years; and continued to attend the public schools during the winter months until he was licensed to teach. During the summer, for a number of years, he supplemented his early instruction with study at a number of select schools and teachers' training schools of Armstrong County, PA. He has studied under Prof. James A. Storey, principal of the Leechburg Select School for teachers; Rev. Leslie E. Hawk, of Slate Lick, principal of the McVill Select School; and Prof. H. T. Duff, principal of the Leechburg Select School for teachers and others, and of the Leechburg Classical and Normal School three terms. The object of this school was to prepare the young men and women attending the institution for the teaching profession and also to qualify all those desiring a higher education to enter the freshman class in any of the colleges, in the State or elsewhere. More than fifty young teachers took advantage of the training department. It is a matter of record that no better work was done by any school in this part of the State, nor better results obtained than was accomplished by the Leechburg Classical and Normal School.
Mr. Wolfe was engaged in public school work as teacher and in official capacities beginning in 1876. When he received his permanent certificate, in 1888, he was one of thirteen successful members of a class of twenty-five. In 1891 he was elected by the teachers at the County Institute as one of a committee of five to examine applicants for permanent teachers' certificates. He continued to serve on that committee by election annually for five years, when at the expiration of his term he became a member of the first committee in Armstrong county for the examination of applicants for permanent certificates under the new law, to serve for three years, receiving his appointment from State Superintendent of Public Instruction Nathan C. Schaeffer. On May 2, 1899, he was elected county superintendent of schools, in which office he served two successive terms, having been re-elected May 5th, 1902 (his term expired on the first Monday of June, 1905). During his superintendency he was six times appointed a member of the State board of examiners for normal schools.
During his incumbency he attended many educational meetings in different parts of the State, among which were the following: The Pennsylvania State Teachers' Association, which met at Williamsport, PA; the Convention of Superintendents and Principals of Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio, which met in Pittsburgh, and in which he took an active part; the Butler County Teachers' Institute, and at a later date the Butler County School Directors' Convention, Professor Wolfe delivering addresses on both occasions. At the special request of Deputy State Superintendent Hon. John Q. Steward, Mr. Wolfe attended the Convention of School Directors in York, PA, and addressed the same. He also attended teachers' institutes in Clarion, Brookville, Franklin, Washington, PA, and Allegheny County, and many other educational meetings in various parts of western Pennsylvania. Superintendent Wolfe made it a rule, before engaging talent for his institutes, always to know the men personally, if possible, and it is a matter of record, which was very gratifying to him, that his talent was always the best that could be obtained at the time, and that not once in his six years of superintendency did his talent fail to appear on time.
Outside of his school hours Professor Wolfe was interested in farming. Like his father he was a great reader, and he had one of the best libraries in his part of the county.
Mr. Wolfe was associated with the Republican party and served as committeeman of his township; he served in that capacity for six years previous to taking the county superintendency. He represented his district as a delegate from Bethel Township Republican League to the convention at Scranton, PA, when Hon. John B. Robinson and Hon. John Dalsell were candidates for the presidency of the Pennsylvania State League. In 1890 he was engaged in Census work in this locality, receiving the appointment from Hon. George W. Hood, of Indiana. In religious connection he was a Lutheran, adhering to the church of his father, who was one of the four original founders of the Bethel Lutheran Church of Bethel township. He was also connected with the following fraternal organizations: F. & A. M., Leechburg, PA; White Rock Lodge, I. O. O. F., Center Valley, PA, and Kittanning Encampment, I. O. O. F.; the Jr. O. U. A. M., Center Valley; and the Masonic Consistory at Coudersport, PA. (thirty-second degree).
1 Editor, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, Her People Past and Present (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1914), Pg 673, 886.
Editor, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, Her People Past and Present (Chicago, IL: J. H. Beers & Co., 1914), Pg 672, 885.
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