Benjamin Wissler and Susanna Wise
Husband Benjamin Wissler 1
Born: 5 Oct 1838 - Clay Twp, Lancaster Co, PA 2 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Christian Wissler (1805-1878) 1 3 Mother: Anna Hostetter ( - ) 1
Marriage: Mar 1864 2
Wife Susanna Wise 2
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Samuel Wise ( - ) 2 Mother: Eliza Wise ( - ) 2
1 F Ella E. Wissler 2
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
2 M Christian Fry Wissler 2
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
3 M Samuel Lincoln Wissler 2
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Benjamin Wissler
He enjoyed only a common school education, and in early life learned the trade of a miller with his father. In 1862 he enlisted for nine months in the United States army for the suppression of the Rebellion, and was elected second lieutenant of Co. F, One Hundred and Seventy-ninth Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, serving in the field for the full term of his enlistment.
In April, 1864, he entered the milling business on his own account. In 1870 he united with the late S. P. A. Weidman, of Clay township, in the manufacture of millstones, and continued to do business as Weidman & Wissler until the death of the former, in 1875. He subsequently admitted the late Henry B. Erb into partnership with him, and continued the business under the firm-name of Wissler & Erb, until the demise of the latter in 1877, after which time he pursued the business alone. In 1881 he became associated with C. W. Myers, of Lincoln, Pennsylvania, and under the name and style of Myers & Wissler engaged in the manufacture of cigars, purchasing and packing their own leaf.
He always felt a deep interest in politics, and acted in strict accord with the principles and policy of the Republican party. Upon two occasions he permitted his name to be offered for nomination for the office of county register, but was defeated each time by a small majority, largely because he firmly refused to pledge himself to carry out any defined line of appointments, or to enter upon his office with any entangling alliances.
1 Franklin Ellis & Samuel Evans, History of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Everts & Peck, 1883), Pg 707.
2 Franklin Ellis & Samuel Evans, History of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: Everts & Peck, 1883), Pg 708.
Alex. Harris, A Biographical History of Lancaster County (Lancaster, PA: Elias Barr & Co., 1872), Pg 183.
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