John Vance and Margaret White
Husband John Vance 1
Born: - Virginia Christened: Died: 1772 - ? Fayette Co, PA 1 Buried: - Vance Cemetery (Fayette Co, PA?)
Father: [Father] Vance ( - ) Mother:
Marriage: - Virginia
Wife Margaret White 1
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 M David Vance 1
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
2 M William Vance 1
Born: Christened: Died: - ? Fayette Co, PA Buried:Spouse: Did Not Marry
3 M Moses Vance 1
Born: Christened: Died: - ? Fayette Co, PA Buried:Spouse: Elizabeth Strickler ( - ) 2
4 F Jane Vance 1
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Benjamin Whalley ( - ) 1
5 F Elizabeth Vance 1
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
6 F Maria Vance 1
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - John Vance
His ancestors came from Scotland and Ireland, though he himself was a native of Virginia, whence he came to Fayette County, Pennsylvania, in the year 1766 in company with Col. William Crawford, his sister's husband.
He settled on a tract of land there, still his name does not appear among the first surveys, and the land which he then occupied was first warranted Sept. 4, 1790, to Benjamin Whalley, and surveyed November 18th of the same year. At that time the property was named "Federal Hill."
General Notes: Wife - Margaret White
After her husband's death, she kept the original property for many years, in the mean time caring for and bringing up her family of little children. Among the records of property is one where, under date of Jan. 10, 1781, Margaret Vance, widow of John Vance, reported the list of her registered slaves,-"one female, named Priscilla, aged twenty-seven years, and two males, Harry and Daniel, aged respectively seven and three years." Priscilla and Harry afterwards became the property of the daughter, Jane Vance.
1 Franklin Ellis, History of Fayette County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: L. H. Everts & Co., 1882), Pg 784.
Franklin Ellis, History of Fayette County, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA: L. H. Everts & Co., 1882), Pg 787.
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