Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Samuel Turner, Jr.

Husband Samuel Turner, Jr. 1

           Born: 1834 1

         Father: Samuel Turner (1803-1860) 2 3
         Mother: Elisabeth Jones (      -      ) 2




General Notes: Husband - Samuel Turner, Jr.

He was about five weeks old when his father moved from Venango to Mercer County, Pennsylvania. He was a steady, hard working young man. He assisted in the work of the farm till he was twenty-four years old and no one had ever noticed anything wrong with him. The first manifestation of his insanity came about the time he was twenty-four years old. He went to Mercer on some business which was transacted satisfactorily. He then, as he was about to return home, went into a store and made a purchase, but left his pocket-book lying on the counter, jumped on his wagon and plied the whip to his horses continually till he reached home. His father then saw that he was insane. He owned a fine span of black horses that he had been very proud of; now he would ride them up and down the road so hard that his father had to sell them. A favorite occupation of his in this melancholy condition of his mind, was to sit on the bank of a creek near the house, and with a tin pan, dip water out of the creek. If any one asked him what he was doing, he would say that he was going to dip the creek dry. One day while doing this the family physician came along on his way to administer to his mother who was sick. Samuel stepped up to the doctor and said "There'll be a dead doctor here to-day." He followed the doctor into the house repeating the prophecy. The family, however, took him away. Another of his escapades had more shrewdness in it. A couple of lightening-rod agents visited the place and one of them was looking around the building hoping to secure the job of putting up his rods. Samuel was sitting with his back to the house watching the maneuvers. He told the man to "Get out of this with your looking as if you were going to steal something."
The fellows both left without sending on the order of their going, and when they reached Centretown inquired "What sort of a man is it that is living up in that brick house?" When they learned that he was insane they were worse frightened than ever. While he was harmless, yet he had no comfort in this world and there was but little for those who cared for him. He lived with his brother James. 1



1 Alexander Turner, A History of the Turner Family and Their Connections (Sheakleyville, PA: Press of W. R. English, 1890), Pg 51.

2 Alexander Turner, A History of the Turner Family and Their Connections (Sheakleyville, PA: Press of W. R. English, 1890), Pg 49.

3 Editor, Book of Biographies, Lawrence County, PA (Buffalo, NY: Biographical Publishing Company, 1897), Pg 180.

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