David S. Smith and Mary Wallace
Husband David S. Smith 1 2 3
Born: Abt 1832 - Franklin, Venango Co, PA Christened: Died: 15 Jan 1892 - Franklin, Venango Co, PA Buried: - Franklin Cemetery, Franklin, Venango Co, PA
Father: Capt. John Smith (1804-1869) 2 4 Mother: Nancy Gordon (1811-1900) 2 4
Marriage: 14 Apr 1853
Wife Mary Wallace 1 2 3
Born: 8 Nov 1830 3 Christened: Died: 20 Jul 1909 3 Buried:
Father: Joseph Wallace ( - ) 2 Mother: Jane Robb ( - ) 2
1 M Edwin David Smith 2 3
Born: 7 Oct 1855 - Franklin, Venango Co, PA 2 3 Christened: Died: 30 Jul 1920 - Franklin, Venango Co, PA 5 Buried: 4 Aug 1920 - Franklin Cemetery, Franklin, Venango Co, PA 6Spouse: Sophie Jane Rogers ( - ) 7 Marr: 14 Apr 1880 - Franklin, Venango Co, PA 5 7
2 U [Infant] Smith 3
Born: Christened: Died: in infancy Buried:
3 U [Infant] Smith 3
Born: Christened: Died: in infancy Buried:
4 M Albert H. Smith 1
Born: 28 Apr 1862 - Franklin, Venango Co, PA 1 Christened: Died: Feb 1897 3 Buried:
General Notes: Husband - David S. Smith
He was one of the first manufacturers of boring tools in the oil region, and was the first to engage in the manufacture of sucker rod joints. Several years before his death, having disposed of this business to his son, Edwin D., he became actively engaged as an oil producer, in which he met with success, holding extensive producing interests in Cranberry Township, Venango County.
The Venango Spectator, Franklin, PA
Jan 21, 1892
On Friday afternoon, January 15, this well-known and esteemed citizen passed to a better world. His sickness was lingering and painful, without hope of recovery, yet he bore it with all the fortitude of a man and the resignation of a Christian.
David S. Smith was the eldest son of Captain John Smith, whose sad death by drowning in the Allegheny river several years ago is remembered by our older citizens. His wife who survives him, with two sons, Ed. D., of the firm of Frazier & Smith, and Albert H. Smith, now in the City of Mexico, are left to mourn the loss of a loving husband and father. In all the relations of life David S. Smith was as near perfection as it is possible for human nature to be. As a business man he was the soul of honor; as a friend and neighbor he was true and kind. Franklin has had no better citizen. His age was sixty-three years.
The Citizen-Press, Franklin, PA
Thursday, Jan 21, 1892; pg 1
David S. Smith.
David S. Smith, one of the best known and highly esteemed citizens of Franklin, died at his residence in the First Ward, on Friday afternoon, January 15th, 1892, of consumption of the lungs, after an illness of over two years. Mr. Smith was the eldest son of Capt. John and Nancy Smith, and was born in this city where he resided during his life time. When a youth he learned the blacksmith trade and was the pioneer in the manufacture of oil well drilling tools, sucker road joints, etc., in the early development of the petroleum business. In 1877 he engaged actively and successfully in the oil producing business in Cranberry township and continued therein until his health failed. Mr. Smith was an active, earnest, christian man, having in early manhood become a member of the M. E. Church of Franklin, in which he served as an official and class leader for many years. In word and act his life was consistent with his profession of religion and with an unfaltering faith in the blessed Master he passed calmly and sweetly to rest, leaving as a priceless heritage to his children an honored name, and to the church he loved so well, an examplification of Christian living which will prove an inspiration to good works and righteousness. Mr. Smith was united in marriage with Miss Mary Wallace, April 14th, 1853, and four children blessed their marriage, two of whom, are living Ed. D. Smith, of this city, and Albert H. Smith, who is engaged in the petroleum business in the city of Mexico. The funeral of the deceased occurred on Monday afternoon, and was largely attended, the A. O. U. W., of which he was a member, attending in a body. Rev. Dr. Holmes, assisted by Rev. Shannon, officiated. The remains were interred in the Franklin cemetery.
The Franklin Evening News, Franklin, PA
Monday, Jan 18, 1892
The Late David S. Smith.
In our issue of Friday last, Jan. 15th, brief announcement was made of the death of Mr. David S. Smith, which occurred at 1:40 o'clock on the afternoon of that day. Mr. Smith was deservedly esteemed as one of the best men in this community. He was the eldest son of Capt. John and Mrs. Nancy Smith, one of the pioneer families of Franklin. He learned blacksmithing, and became a master in iron mechanism. He was one of the first manufacturers of oil boring tools in the oil region, and was the first to engage in the manufacture of sucker rod joints, now a great industry.
About 15 years ago, having disposed of this business to his son, he engaged in oil production on leases in Cranberry township. The same industry, energy and judgment which prospered him in other business gave him success in this undertaking. Two years ago last November his health began to fail. Lung consumption set in, and from that time it was a continuous and varying struggle with disease and pain. The patient was upheld by a serene and abiding faith in God. Early in life he builded upon the eternal rock, and thus dwelt serene and unshaken amid all storms, never impatient, never complaining; looking forward to the earthly end of life without fear, but rather longing for the heavenly home and rest as "they that wait for the morning." In this high estate of the Christian he was called hence in his 63rd year, having been born Jan. 30, 1829.
In his death the M. E. Church, of which he was a useful and active member and class leader for forty years, suffers a loss that is deeply felt.
Mr. Smith was a man of domestic and home instincts, and it was in his cheerful, well ordered home that his friends found him at his best. The many who were welcomed beneath his hospitable roof, where the sweet and substantial courtesies of the Christian home were dispensed so unostentatiously by him and his wife, will long remember Mr. Smith as a most genial and sympathetic man, inspired by those Christian influences that soothe and heal and bless.
He was especially helped in all his domestic and church relations by the life partner who survives. His marriage with Miss Mary Wallace, April 14th, 1853, was a union of hearts and purposes. Their union was blessed with four children, of whom two sons survive - Ed. D. Smith, of the hardware firm of Frazier & Smith, and Albert H. Smith, engaged for a few years past in the oil business in the City of Mexico.
The funeral, largely attended, was held at 3:30 this afternoon at the residence on Liberty street below 11th, and was conducted by Rev. Dr. N. H. Holmes, assisted by Rev. W. F. Shannon. The following acted as pall-bearers: W. Z. Tourteloite, I. E. Vinceut, I. E. Howard, William Shaffer, D. W. Morgan and James Miller. Among the numerous tributes of respect were a beautiful floral piece from J. P. Frazier, and another of elaborate design from Franklin Lodge, A. O. U. W., of which Mr. Smith was a member.
1 Editor, History of Venango County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Brown, Runk, & Co., Publishers, 1890), Pg 918.
2 George P. Donehoo, Pennsylvania - A History (NW) (New York, NY; Chicago, IL: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, Inc., 1926), Pg 346.
3 Virginia Gordon Russell, Gordons of Western Pennsylvania (Cochranton, PA: Specialty Printers, 1981), Pg 19a.
4 Mrs. Harold V. Linn, Daniel Smith - Pioneer Settler of Rockland Township, Venango County, Pennsylvania (Venango County, PA: Privately published, 1961), Pg 126.
5 Virginia Gordon Russell, Gordons of Western Pennsylvania (Cochranton, PA: Specialty Printers, 1981), Pg 19b.
6 Franklin Cemetery - Record of Interments (Franklin, PA.).
George P. Donehoo, Pennsylvania - A History (NW) (New York, NY; Chicago, IL: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, Inc., 1926), Pg 347.
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