Western Pennsylvania Genealogy
Compiled by Douglas H. Lusher

Family Group Record

Dr Isaac Rothrock and [Unk] Snyder

Husband Dr Isaac Rothrock 1

           Born: 22 Nov 1798 - near Lewistown, Mifflin Co, PA 1
           Died: 8 Jun 1872 1

         Father: Joseph Rothrock (      -      ) 1
         Mother: Nancy [Unk] (      -      ) 1


   Other Spouse: Susan Swenk (      -1852) 1

   Other Spouse: Lydia Bowersox (      -1857) 1

   Other Spouse: Angelina Wallace (      -1879) 1

Wife [Unk] Snyder 1


1 U [Infant] Rothrock 1

           Died: in infancy

General Notes: Husband - Dr Isaac Rothrock

At an early age he manifested a keen desire for knowledge, mathematics and grammar being his favorite studies. His fondness for intellectual work continued throughout his life, and even in old age he rejoiced to find a difficult problem to solve. He began his medical studies with Dr. Ezra Doty, of Mifflin, Juniata County, Pennsylvania, and afterward studied with a well-known practitioner, Dr. Thomas Van Valzah, of Lewisburg. Later he attended three regular courses of lectures in Jefferson Medical College, and although he did not graduate, he was afterward given a complimentary diploma by the Eclectic Medical College of Philadelphia. He began his practice in Middleburg, with Dr. Henry Lechner, but afterward moved to Mifflintown, and then to Adamsburg, where he purchased property and resided until 1864. For forty-five years he practiced medicine, his business extending over a large territory, but his last years were spent in retirement at Adamsburg among his beloved books. He was first a Whig, later a Republican, and besides holding a number of local offices, including that of school director, he was elected in 1866 as a member of the House of Representatives from the district composed of Lycoming, Union and Snyder counties. He was a devout member of the German Baptist Church, and died in that faith.

General Notes: Wife - [Unk] Snyder

She was a niece of Gov. Simon Snyder of Pennsylvania. She died soon after her marriage to Rothrock.



1 Editor, Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania, Including the Counties of Centre, Clinton, Union and Snyder. (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1898), Pg 896.

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