David Roth
Husband David Roth 1
Born: - Bethlehem, Northampton Co, PA Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Rev. John Roth ( - ) 2 Mother:
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 M Lewis Roth 1 3
Born: - Bethlehem, Northampton Co, PA Christened: Died: - Butler Co, PA Buried:Spouse: Lydia Beighle ( -Aft 1883) 3
General Notes: Husband - David Roth
He served in the War of 1812 with the rank of col-onel. He was a locksmith by trade and added the manufacture of coffee mills by hand to his other enterprises. He became a very popular citizen of his section, so much so that his fellow citizens elected him to the Legislature. He had no taste for politics, however, and the record tells that it was in order to escape the kind intentions of his friends that he left his old neighborhood and moved into what was then the wilder-ness, in Butler County, Pennsylvania, settling in Frank-lin Township.
1 James A. McKee, 20th Century History of Butler and Butler County, Pa., and Representative Citizens (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1909), Pg 946.
2 J. G. White, A Twentieth Century History of Mercer County Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1909), Pg 125.
Editor, History of Butler County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Waterman, Watkins & Co., 1883), Pg 185.
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