Joseph Lee Rodgers
Husband Joseph Lee Rodgers 1
Born: 13 Jul 1900 1 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: William Smith Rodgers (1854- ) 2 3 Mother: Emma Luella Nelson (1865-1944) 3 4
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Joseph Lee Rodgers
When he was five years old, August 21, 1905, he was out in the meadow, where mowing was being done. He ran out of some bushes in front of the cutting bar, was caught, and his left foot cut three-fourths off up through the bottom of the foot. The right leg was over half off four inches above the heel, a piece being cut out of the cord. Dr. Campbell of Greenville was called and dressed the wounds, taking several pieces of bone out. The little fellow lay and watched them all the while they were dressing his feet and never shed a tear. He was too weak for an anesthetic. In six weeks he was walking and five years later, aside from the scars, the effect of the accident was not noticeable.
1 J. G. White, A Twentieth Century History of Mercer County Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1909), Pg 719.
2 J. G. White, A Twentieth Century History of Mercer County Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1909), Pg 717.
3 Helen M. Snyder, Genealogy of Robert Beatty 1760-1823 (Franklin, PA: Self-published.), Pg 103.
J. G. White, A Twentieth Century History of Mercer County Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1909), Pg 718.
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