Conrad Ritzert and Elizabeth Windishee
Husband Conrad Ritzert 1
AKA: Conrad Ritzart 2 Born: 24 Jun 1825 - Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: Caspar Ritzert (1795-1860) 1 Mother: Margaret Reisler (Abt 1803-1884) 1
Marriage: 15 Jul 1847 3
Wife Elizabeth Windishee 2 3
Born: 8 Jun 1828 - Austria 3 Christened: Died: Buried:
1 M Harmon Ritzert 3
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
2 M John Ritzert 3
Born: 11 Jul 1850 - Kittanning, Armstrong Co, PA 3 Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Catherine Cramer ( - ) 3 Marr: 1878 3
3 F Mary E. Ritzert 3
AKA: Mary Ritzart 2 Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Joseph H. Graham (1845-Aft 1883) 2 Marr: 1870 2
4 M Joseph G. Ritzert 4
Born: 10 Jun 1856 - Donegal Twp, Butler Co, PA 4 Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Philomena Cramer ( - ) 4 Marr: 13 Feb 1877 4
5 M Adam Ritzert 3
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
6 F Maggie Ritzert 3
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Jacob Cramer ( - ) 3
General Notes: Husband - Conrad Ritzert
He was born in Hesse Darmstadt, Germany, and was seven years old when his parents immigrated to Pennsylvania. He was reared amidst the privations and dangers of pioneer days, and his first home in Butler County was a small log cabin, built of round logs, and even while he was still a boy he assisted his father in clearing the farm, by piling and burning the brush. His clothes were made of the home-made cloth, and his education was acquired in the subscription school of the neighborhood, held in a small log building, with puncheon floor and benches, and a huge fireplace in one end. The plowing was done with oxen, the grain sown by hand, reaped with a sickle, and threshed with a flail. At the age of fourteen, he went to work in a tannery, grinding bark, and when he reached his eighteenth year he commenced learning the tanner's trade, with Conrad Roessing, at Butler, PA, with whom he served an apprenticeship, and afterwards worked for Mr. Roessing for five years. He subsequently went to Brady's Bend, and worked in the iron mills there in various capacities, saving enough from his wages to start himself in the tannery business at Worthington. He sold out the tannery and in 1854 settled on a farm in Donegal township, Butler County, which he had purchased some time previously while he was following his trade in Kittanning.
When he and his wife settled on their farm in Donegal township, the place was comparatively unimproved, their first dwelling being a small log cabin. The times were hard, and they enjoyed but few advantages. Mrs. Ritzert spun the wool and flax used in weaving clothing and blankets for the use of her family, and with the aid of her children conducted the farm while her husband would be away working at his trade. By such industry and rigid economy they accumulated through the passing years a comfortable competence, and eventually owned over 400 acres of fine land containing good oil production, with substantial buildings, and other necessary improvements. The family were members of St. Joseph's Catholic church, at North Oakland, and politically, Mr. Ritzert was an ardent Democrat. [HBC 1895, 953]
General Notes: Wife - Elizabeth Windishee
She came to the United States with her sister, when eighteen years of age, and was married the following year.
1 Editor, History of Butler County, Pennsylvania (R. C. Brown & Co. Publishers, 1895), Pg 953.
2 Editor, History of Butler County, Pennsylvania (Chicago, IL: Waterman, Watkins & Co., 1883), Pg 316x.
3 Editor, History of Butler County, Pennsylvania (R. C. Brown & Co. Publishers, 1895), Pg 954.
Editor, History of Butler County, Pennsylvania (R. C. Brown & Co. Publishers, 1895), Pg 955.
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