Wiley Graham Reel
Husband Wiley Graham Reel 1 2
Born: 1 Aug 1868 2 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: William Valentine Reel (1831-Aft 1904) 1 3 Mother: Elizabeth Spence ( - ) 1 4
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - Wiley Graham Reel
Until he was nineteen years of age he worked on a farm and attended the township and Bellevue public schools, in which he acquired a good education. When he arrived at the age of nineteen, he went into the shops of Thomas Carlin & Sons, of Allegheny city, to learn the trade of a machinist. After working at this business for a time, he went into the oil field located on the David Reel farm, in Ross township, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, where he remained until 1898. That year he was sent by some Boston capitalists to Cape Breton island, and after his return to Allegheny in the fall, he began operations as an oil well driller in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. The following year he formed a partnership with W. A. Louden, under the firm name of Louden & Reel, to carry on the business of drilling oil and gas wells throughout the Pennsylvania field. In the fall of 1902 the firm name was changed to Louden, Reel & Call, and its operations were extended to Allegheny, Washington and Armstrong counties in Pennsylvania, and to Tyler County in West Virginia. Mr. Reel was also a stockholder in, and, after the death of R. M. Hays, July 6, 1903, was president of, the Lustre oil company, which operated in Ohio and Indiana; and a stockholder and manager of the Bellevue and Homestead oil and gas company. He was also interested in the Reel combination gas and steam engine company, of Pittsburgh.
He was a thirty-second degree Mason, holding membership in the following different Masonic organizations: Bellevue lodge, No. 530; Allegheny chapter, No. 217; Allegheny commandery, No. 35, Knights Templars; Pittsburg consistory, and Syria Temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. He was also a member of Col. T. M. Bayne lodge, No. 1098, Independent Order of Odd Fellows; West Bellevue council, No. 240, Junior Order of United American Mechanics, located at Avalon, and of the Bellevue Methodist Episcopal church. Politically he was a republican.
In September, 1903, he was elected director and manager of the Ilo oil company, and on September 15th of the same year, was sent to Fairmount, Indiana, to take charge of their territory in that state.
1 Editor, Memoirs of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Vol. I (Madison, WI: Northwestern Historical Assosciation, 1904), Pg 408.
2 Editor, Memoirs of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Vol. II (Madison, WI: Northwestern Historical Assosciation, 1904), Pg 368.
3 Editor, The History of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Part II (Chicago, IL: A. W. Warner & Co., 1889), Pg 620, 629.
Editor, The History of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Part II (Chicago, IL: A. W. Warner & Co., 1889), Pg 620.
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