David Reel, Jr. and Anna Redpath
Husband David Reel, Jr. 1 2
Born: 1 Jan 1837 - Ross Twp, Allegheny Co, PA 1 3 Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: David Reel (1798-1868) 4 5 Mother: Isabella Wiley ( -1875) 1 6
Marriage: 13 Sep 1866 3
Wife Anna Redpath 1 3
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
Father: John Redpath ( - ) 3 Mother:
1 M Ellis Reel 1 3
Born: 29 Aug 1867 3 Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Margaret Kercher ( - ) 7 Marr: Feb. 29, 1899 7
2 M Watson A. Reel 1 3
Born: 7 Dec 1869 3 Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Elizabeth Preston ( - ) 7 Marr: 15 Nov 1899 7
3 M Casper Reel 1 3
Born: Oct 1875 3 Christened: Died: Buried:
General Notes: Husband - David Reel, Jr.
He was educated in the public schools, after which he took a commercial course in the Iron City college, of Pittsburgh. When the Civil war broke out, and the first call for troops was made, he enlisted in a company commanded by Thomas M. Bayne. They were sent to camp at Wheeling, West Virginia, but the quota being filled, the company was ordered to return to Pittsburgh, where it disbanded. Returning home, he lived with his parents, who were then residing in Perrysville.
After his marriage he moved to Allegheny City. His stay there was of short duration. According to the urgent request of his parents, that he should live with or near them, he returned to Perrysville. After the birth of his oldest son, he moved into the old log house in which he was born, and lived there until the new house, which was then being erected, was finished. At the death of his father, this portion of the estate fell to him, and there he resided.
He became one of the most extensive and successful fruit culturists in the township. Many articles were written by him and published in the various publications of the county. Among the most noted articles written by him is one entitled "The Cause, the Effect and the Suggested Remedy for the Pear Blight," published in the National Stockman and Farmer, of Pittsburgh. It attracted the attention of many of the principal agricultural writers of the country, who spoke very highly of the article.
Religiously, David Reel, Jr., was a Methodist. He was the principal leader in the removal of the society from Jack's Run to the school hall in Bellevue. In a meeting shortly after the society was located in the school hall, he, in company with six other trustees, decided to build a church, and, to make a beginning at once, they entered into a joint note of $1,000. A building committee was appointed, among whom was David Reel, Jr., and upon him devolved the entire charge and superintendence of the work. He would later declare the building up of this church to be the best work of his life.
In politics, he was first a republican. He took great pride in stating that Abraham Lincoln was the first president for whom he voted. Later he became a prohibitionist, and was nominated by the party for the legislature in the seventh district.
1 Editor, The History of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Part II (Chicago, IL: A. W. Warner & Co., 1889), Pg 629.
2 Editor, Memoirs of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Vol. I (Madison, WI: Northwestern Historical Assosciation, 1904), Pg 403.
3 Editor, Memoirs of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Vol. I (Madison, WI: Northwestern Historical Assosciation, 1904), Pg 409.
4 Editor, The History of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Part II (Chicago, IL: A. W. Warner & Co., 1889), Pg 230, 620.
5 Editor, Memoirs of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Vol. I (Madison, WI: Northwestern Historical Assosciation, 1904), Pg 406.
6 Editor, Memoirs of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Vol. I (Madison, WI: Northwestern Historical Assosciation, 1904), Pg 407.
Editor, Memoirs of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Vol. I (Madison, WI: Northwestern Historical Assosciation, 1904), Pg 410.
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