Ephraim Post
Husband Ephraim Post 1
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Marriage:
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:
1 M Rev. W. E. Post 1
Born: Christened: Died: Buried:Spouse: Sarah Selina Greer (1812- ) 1
General Notes: Husband - Ephraim Post
He was a member of Upper Ten Mile Presbyterian Church, and an old pioneer family, who was one of five members of that church who wrote in January, 1831, to the president of the Cumberland (C. P.) College, Princeton, Kentucky, requesting that Cumberland Presbyterian preachers be sent there, and helped to organize the church in Washington County. Great revivals of religion attended the formation of this church, the people melting in tears, and as many as 120 persons coming forward at one time for the prayers of the church. This was followed by a camp meeting held in September, 1831, for one week, 250 families being on the ground. It was the greatest meeting the evangelists had ever known, Mr. Morgan, one of them, saying: "We had attended many meetings but this surpassed any we had ever seen. Several times when the anxious were invited, we counted some 230 on the seats at one time. Convictions of sin were more general, deeper and more rational than any we had ever before noticed, and conversions the clearest, attended with the most overwhelming joy and peace. It was common to see persons of age and intelligence overwhelmed by a sense of their sins, and their lost and miserable condition, in the deepest anguish of soul. From this sad and affecting condition they would seem all of a sudden to awake into light and joy the most ecstatic and indescribable."
F. S. Reader, Some Pioneers of Washington County, Pa. - A Family History (New Brighton, PA: F. S. Reader & Son, 1902), Pg 72.
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